Inexplicably Green Cat Turns Heads in Bulgaria

green-cat-BulgariaOddity Central

A purring feline in the Bulgarian seaside resort town of Varna has been making headlines because of its unusually emerald green fur. Although several theories have tried to explain the radioactive color of the stray animal, the true cause of its coloration remains a mystery.

The ‘green cat of Bulgaria’, as the brightly colored feline has come to be known online, was spotted prowling the streets of Varna a few days ago, and as soon as photos of it appeared on the internet, it became an international news topic. Truth be told, it’s not every day that you get to see a real-life emerald cat, and the inexplicable cause of its bizarre color simply made the topic even more intriguing.  

According to some sources, until not too long ago, the stray feline only displayed a hint of green on its fur, but gradually grew greener until attaining the bright emerald color you see below. This makes the original assumption that vandals had dyed its fur green as a cruel joke, unlikely. Before this report from local eye witnesses came to light, Bulgarian animal lovers had even set up a Facebook page entitled “Punishment to the perpetrator of this criminal act!”

The various news agencies that covered this unusual news eventually reported the explanation for the cat’s unusual color was that it has been sleeping on an abandoned pile of synthetic green paint, in a garage. However, the mentioned pile does is not shown in any of the videos of the green cat, and it doesn’t really explain the perfect distribution of the coloring on the cat’s body.

And just in case you were wondering, the emerald green color is showing no sign of wearing off. In fact, it has been reported that it’s becoming stronger with each passing day.

via The Independent

5 thoughts on “Inexplicably Green Cat Turns Heads in Bulgaria

  1. “Although several theories have tried to explain the radioactive color of the stray animal, the true cause of its coloration remains a mystery.”

    It remains a mystery so it remains popular. Rip a few hairs out, analyze the things, and find out why they’re green. End of stupid story.

    Possibilities: DNA damage*, or green dye. (damaged DNA can give an animal characteristics of an entirely different species. In this case, the cat may have the pigmentation code of a green animal, like a frog)

  2. I have seen a green cat right here on my block. It belongs to the little purple haired girl down the street. 🙂

  3. The explanation is simple..Someone made the cat angry. “Don’t make me angry, you won’t like me when I’m angry.” – He turned green his pants turned purple, ripped and fell off…and there you have it!

  4. “And just in case you were wondering, the emerald green color is showing no sign of wearing off.”

    Emerald green. That explains it.

    The cat must be Irish.

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