Is this what he fought for?

Published on May 30, 2019

I am am ashamed of my congressman from the 36th district here in Texas. I will never vote for him again. I’m not sure if Mr.Crenshaw the congressman from the 2nd district of Texas has really thought through his support for the TAPS law which is currently a bill before our house of Representatives…? This doesn’t represent anything I value about our great nation…see for yourself

5 thoughts on “Is this what he fought for?

  1. You don’t get into the club unless you can be black mailed or are compromised in some way ,shape, or form PEROID.
    People just can not seem to wrap their mind around this concept, Voting DOES NOT WORK, Protesting DOES NOT WORK, Calling your Representative’s DOES NOT WORK, Petitions DO NOT WORK .
    The only action that will work at this time is FORCE, plain, simple, strait forward. We are at that point and there are no other options on the table.

  2. Fine video up to the 17:53 mark. He may want to look into who the bad actors are if they really existed, as well as who was behind the operation, again, if these shootings were even legit.

    Wasn’t aware of the TAPS bill. BS!!

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