Is This Xi Jinping’s Jewish Handler?

xi.jpgHenry Makow – by Scott Frost

Let me introduce you to Robert Lawrence Kuhn.  He’s an international investment banker and the author of “How China’s Leaders Think: The Inside Story of China’s Reform and What This Means for the Future”.

I venture to say Mr. Kuhn is the most recent of many Jewish handlers who have shaped China’s political and economic policy throughout its long history.  

In Kuhn’s book [How Kuhn has programmed China’s leaders to think]he explains the “Chinese Dream”.  (Remember the American Dream?)

“The Chinese Dream has four parts: Strong China (economically, politically, diplomatically, scientifically, militarily); Civilized China (equity and fairness, rich culture, high morals); Harmonious China (amity among social classes); Beautiful China (healthy environment, low pollution). Kuhn states that “a moderately well-off society” is where all citizens, rural and urban, enjoy high standards of living.

This includes doubling the 2010 G.D.P. per capita (approaching $10,000 per person) by about 2020 and completing urbanization (roughly one billion people, 70 percent of China’s population) by about 2030.

“Modernization” means China regaining its position as a world leader in science and technology as well as in economics and business; the resurgence of Chinese civilization, culture and military might; and China participating actively in all areas of human endeavor”.   In other words  “Chinese Dream” is just another catch phrase promoting the Illuminati agenda for “sustainable development” [human misery].

chinesedream.jpg Xi Jinping leader of The People’s Republic of China adopted “Chinese Dream” as his slogan in November of 2013.    In May 2013, Xi Jinping called upon young people “to dare to dream, work assiduously to fulfill the dreams and contribute to the revitalization of the nation.” He called upon all levels of the Party and the government to facilitate favorable conditions for their career development. Xi told young people to “cherish the glorious youth, strive with pioneer spirit and contribute their wisdom and energy to the realization of the Chinese dream.”

The CHRD are not buying  the smooth talk being parroted by Xi Jinping.  Could this be a glimmer of hope for China?

According to the Network of Chinese Human Rights Defenders (March 3, 2014) – “Human rights defenders in China experienced a tumultuous year of government suppression in 2013, yet they continued to demonstrate remarkable strength and extraordinary courage, as documented in CHRD’s  annual report , A Nightmarish Year Under Xi Jinping’s “Chinese Dream.”

“The Chinese government’s assault on activists last year indicates just how far authorities … are willing to go to suppress an increasingly active and emboldened civil society,” said Renee Xia, CHRD international director.

“2013 saw the harshest suppression of civil society in over a decade…with human rights and rule of law basically going backwards. Still, the drive in Chinese civil society to keep fighting under difficult and dangerous conditions is the most important asset for promoting human rights and democratization in the country.”
– Teng Biao, Chinese human rights lawyer, speaking to CHRD

Robert Lawrence Khun’s via Xi Jinping “Chinese Dream”  appears to be more of the same ole, same ole;  a recurring  Illuminati “Jewish Nightmare” that continues to haunt mankind.


To cite a couple of examples:

Rittenberg_Screenshot.jpg– Sidney Rittenberg (Chinese: 李敦白; pinyin: Lǐ Dūnbái; born August 14, 1921) is an American journalist, scholar, and Chinese linguist who lived in China from 1944 to 1979. He worked closely with People’s Republic of China (PRC) founder Mao Zedong, military leader Zhu De, statesman Zhou Enlai, and other leaders of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the war, and was with these central Communist leaders at Yan’an. He witnessed first-hand much of what occurred at upper levels of the CCP and knew many of its leaders personally. Later, he was imprisoned in solitary confinement, twice, for a total of 16 years.[1] He was the first American citizen to join the CCP.

IE.jpg–  Israel Epstein (April 20, 1915 – May 26, 2005) went to China with his parents at the age of two. He began to work for China’s revolution in 1933 and became a Chinese citizen in 1957. The noted propagandist once served as editor-in-chief of China Reconstructs (China Today) magazine. From 1983 on, he served as an elected member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the top advisory body in China.


While a cloud of mystery remains around the Jews’ long trek and early years in China, the history of their destination, Kaifeng, is well known. According to the Jewish Virtual Library, the Jewish migrants entered Kaifeng during its most glorious years, as between 960 to 1127. Kaifeng was the capital of Song Dynasty’s China, and is believed to have had a larger population than any other city in the world at the time.

KJEWS.jpgAll evidence seems to indicate that the Kaifeng Jewish community enjoyed its early decades in the city, as a pillar at the site of their synagogue states that the Song Emperor invited them to stay in Kaifeng and practice their religion freely. The Jews, who kept giving their children Hebrew names for their first eight or nine generations in China,  kept their religion yet immersed themselves in Chinese culture and society.

Perhaps no two cultural groups revere scholarship more than the Jews and the Chinese, and this common bond perhaps made the Jews feel at home. While some Jews continued to be merchants, a profitable yet less respected profession, the most talented became scholars of either Jewish culture or Chinese culture. The scholars of Judaism became Jewish leaders, while a great number of Jews studied to take China’s prestigious civil service exams, which Jews passed disproportionately.

“During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), a Ming emperor conferred seven surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai (艾), Shi (石), Gao (高), Jin (金), Li (李), Zhang (張), and Zhao (趙); sinofications of the original seven Jewish clans’ family names: Ezra, Shimon, Cohen, Gilbert, Levy, Joshua, and Jonathan, respectively. Interestingly, two of these, Jin and Shi, are the equivalent of common Jewish names in the west: Gold and Stone.”


One of “the more profitable yet less respected professions” which Jewish merchants thrived on during the 17th and 18th centuries were  “the opium wars”. According to Wikipedia,

china_1st_opium_war.jpg“The demand for Chinese goods (particularly silk, porcelain, and tea) in the European market created a trade imbalance because the market for Western goods in China was virtually non-existent; China was largely self-sufficient and Europeans were not allowed access to China’s interior….

The British East India Company had a matching monopoly of British trade. [It]  began to auction opium grown on its plantations in India to independent foreign traders in exchange for silver.

The opium was then transported to the China coast and sold to Chinese middlemen who retailed the drug inside China. This reverse flow of silver and the increasing numbers of opium addicts alarmed Chinese officials.”

To deconstruct and simplify: Europe wanted tea, silk and porcelain from China, but China was self-sufficient and needed nothing in exchange from Europe. The result was a trade deficit in which Britain (via its East India Company) owed China an enormous and increasing amount of silver. How did Britain try to solve this tricky problem? It left it to the Jews who formed the nucleus of the East India Company to come up with a neat solution.

The East India Company began to grow opium on its Indian plantations. It then transported  the processed opium to Bombay and Calcutta where the crop was sold by auction to “independent foreign traders.” This innocuous phrase–“independent foreign traders”–needs translation. It is of course a euphemism for Jewish merchants”.
– See more at:

8 thoughts on “Is This Xi Jinping’s Jewish Handler?

  1. I like some of the articles on here, but what’s with all the anit-semetic bullshit? WTF does his religion have to do with anything? Does that mean these authors don’t like Jesus, because he was Jewish?

    1. Jesus was a Jew? Since when?

      And since you don’t know shit about who is controlling this world (aka the Zionist Jews), then you need to take your shit elsewhere, pal. Grow up!

      1. The Synnagogue of Satan are those who say they are Jews but lie and are not. Rev. 2:9 and 3:9

        AshkeNazi is not from the line of Shem where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel then his 12 sons Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Yissichar, Zebulun, Joseph(Ephraim and Manessah), and Benjamin. Judah and Benjamin make up the kingdom of Judah after the other 10 tribes were scattered. Today’s “Judah” is lead by Ashkenazi’s and identify soley as Israel. When Askhenazi is from the line of Japeth Genesis 10:1-4.

        Although Holocaust = holo/holy or offering – caust/burnt i.e. caustic = burnt. Hitler was part of this synnagogue of Satan and actively worked in accordance to create a forcefield to of protection from criticism called anti-Shem-etism. Now the Messiah actively preached against the pharasees and scribes because they exalt their talmudic traditions over the commandments of the Torah. When the Torah says that whomever, native or stranger, keeps the Passover, let all their males be circumsized. There is one Torah for the native and for the sojourner. The synnagogue of Satan has actively been working to turn everyone away from observing the Torah and encouraging idolitary and other traditions of man above the Commandments so as to lead as many into destruction as possible.

        1. Is that the same Torah that is rife with plunder and war? The same Torah that tells me I’m not chosen?


  2. The Jews were the one’s who put Sun Yatsen, Mao and Chang Kai Shek in power, so why should anyone be surprised. They helped build Communist China and their “One World, One Dream” Olympic slogan for 2008 that was plastered all over the Great Wall.

    And since there has been a lot of internal corruption with the Communist Party in the past few years between the old and the younger members of the Party over how China should be developed, you can bet the Zionist Jews are trying to secretly manipulate both sides like they are doing with everything else.

  3. The Russian hand in the CCP’s origins is apparent. An obvious time of opportunity for a foreign force to enter China by proxy of a political party, due to the political division of the time. And with their massive wealth & resources, hatching such a plan didn’t require all too much heavy lifting. Of course, we know who controls Russia, by ((their)) masonic symbolism.

    And today, it seems as if China is a sort of experiment of ((theirs)). An experiment of a hyper-technological totalitarian system. Most surely they created a clandestine organization to lure the chinese in to, bonding with them an ideological allegiance. Their typical means of conquer. Luring in with gold & women, blackmailing/slowboiling initiates to further and further degrees of degeneracy, until their brain’s chemical-biologies are fully synced to ((their)) behavioral/ideological template. By this point, members have no choice but to maintain course, and they become full fledged initiates, sworn to a shared ideological engine which is fueled by their behavioral/chemical-biological hormone release continuum.

    It seems more and more apparent, that just as is the case where ((they)) have conquered and converted, the CCP heads are “Dragon Initiates” to ((their)) codes, and their fascist control grip then becomes all to totalitarian for a grassroots citizens to get the leveraged underneath to topple ((them)) over.

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