ISIS militants and their supporters are using social media to encourage protesters in Ferguson to embrace radical Islam and fight against the U.S. government.
Jihadists in Syria and Iraq and their sympathisers in the West have taken to Twitter to send messages of support to hundreds of demonstrators taking part in a ninth night of angry protests in the U.S. city following the shooting by police of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown.
The militants’ tweets denounce local officers for the way they have attempted to quell the violence, make reference to historic acts of police brutality, and even use the hashtag #FergusonUnderISIS in an attempt to get angry young men in the city to declare allegiance to the Islamist group.
The news comes as footage purportedly taken from the scene of the Ferguson protests appeared to show one demonstrator marching along a street holding a sign reading ‘ISIS is here’.

‘Chilling’: Footage purportedly from a CNN live stream of the protests appeared to show one young demonstrator marching along a street holding a sign reading ‘ISIS is here’

Salena Zito – a political columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review newspaper – described as ‘chilling’ the footage of a Ferguson demonstrator purportedly holding an ISIS banner while standing behind a CNN reporter

Violence: The jihadists and their sympathisers in the West have taken to Twitter to send messages of support to hundreds of demonstrators taking part in a ninth night of angry protests in Ferguson (pictured)
One ISIS sympathiser calling himself Mujahid Miski, who claims to be from Minneapolis–Saint Paul but suggests he is now based in ‘the horn of Africa’, has led the campaign to encourage those taking part in the protests to embrace radical Islam.
In one message he tweets: ‘So how is democracy treating you guys? #FergusonUnderIS #Ferguson.’
He adds: ‘I thought u guys back in #Ferguson were supposed to be Free & that u had equal rights. I’d really like to know what changed? #FergusonUnderIS’.
Miski goes on to retweet dozens of messages by a Twitter user with the handle @AmreekiWitness, who claims to monitor and support the growth of radical Islam in the U.S..

As officers sat with guns pointed atop armored vehicles, the authorities used LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) crowd control systems to send out a painful noise to try and disperse the crowd

Threat: One Twitter user with the handle @AmreekiWitness, who claims to monitor the growth of radical Islam in the U.S., has led the calls for Ferguson protesters to embrace ISIS’ brutal branch of radical Islam

Encouragement: Amreeki Witness’ Twitter messages focus on the treatment of black people in the U.S. and urge angry young black men to take up Islamic extremism
Amreeki Witness’ messages focus on the treatment of black people in the U.S., praise Malcolm X for embracing Islam and urge angry young black men to take up the religion as it means the police ‘will fear you’.
In one message Amreeki Witness mocks the curfew police have imposed in Ferguson to bring an end to the disorder, saying: ‘We IS guys hate you for your freedom, eh? Just like that freedom uplifting curfew in #Ferguson? Wake up, or they’ll never let you outside.’
As the social media campaign began to take hold, with dozens of radical Islamists commenting on the Ferguson protests, Amreeki Witness tweeted: ‘May be time to organize the Muslims in America upon haqq and mobilize to #Ferguson. Defend the oppressed, start jihad here.’
The message attracted a large response, with one Islamist calling himself Amarka Al-Ahlam responding: ‘Preach, brother. We must organize brigades in preparation for the oncoming storm. #FergusonUnderIS #JihadinFerguson.’

A lone man walks in front of police lines in Ferguson as 31 people are reported to have been arrested

New cause: As the social media campaign began to take hold, dozens of radical Islamists began commenting on the Ferguson protests

Ambition: This Twitter user appears to explain the reason ISIS sympathisers are attempting to hijack the Ferguson protest is because the militant group hope it will allow them to take control of the city.
Amreeki Witness added: ‘They cower in fear of us whilst they massacre and oppress you! It’s time to strike fear into the hearts of the oppressors. #FergusonUnderIS’.
News of the militants’ campaign to encourage Ferguson demonstrators to embrace radical Islamism comes as footage purportedly from a CNN live stream of the protests appeared to show one young man holding a sign reading ‘ISIS is here.’
It is not known whether the banner – footage of which has not yet been independently verified – was in support of the militant group or, as seems more likely, it was an attempt to compare ISIS to the local police force or the U.S. government.
Nevertheless stills of the alleged CNN footage were embraced by jihadists who have claimed they prove jihadists are already playing their part in the protests.

Worrying: One ISIS sympathiser calling himself Mujahid Miski, who claims to be from Minneapolis-Saint Paul but suggests he is now based in ‘the horn of Africa’, has led the campaign to encourage those taking part in the protests to embrace radical Islam

Demonstrators have once again taken to the streets of Ferguson with their faces covered to protect against tear gas attacks by police
Chilling images of the alleged ISIS banner being carried by demonstrators have been widely shared by ISIS sympathisers on social media, who have used them to encourage supporters based in America to travel to Ferguson to further stoke the violence in the city.
News of ISIS’ attempt to hijack the Ferguson protests come as Palestinian Twitter users sent messages of support to the demonstrators and gave advice on the best way to cope with the tear gas police are using to disperse crowds.
As images emerged of heavily armed police and armoured tanks on the streets of nearby St Louis, many Palestinian Twitter users expressed their solidarity with demonstrators.
The messages of support from Palestinians come amid reports that many of the Ferguson protesters were heard chanting ‘Gaza Strip’ as they marched through the heart of the city.
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Lets get this straight.
We will have the following in Ferguson now:
2. Black Panthers
3. KKK
4. National Guard
5. Militarized police
6. MSM
What could possibly go wrong? Or is that the plan????
Hey, as long as them patriots extremists aren’t there, everything will be OK. 😉
“In one message he tweets: ‘So how is democracy treating you guys? #FergusonUnderIS #Ferguson.’”
Democracy? Are they sure they have the right country? I guess they don’t know we have a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC!!!!
What do you expect from a group that is controlled by the Zionists.
.. and the real funny bit is.. ISIS are CIA/Mossad assets… as everyone in the muslim world knows.
“Demonstrators have once again taken to the streets of Ferguson with their faces covered to protect against tear gas attacks by police”
More likely the demonstrators’ faces are covered to prevent alt news from identifying the actors. As well, the photo shots are very tight, and I don’t see any crowds. That’s an interesting mix of bankster-sponsored rabble rousers (6 groups of them – oh, I see, the magic number), but I call fail again for the banksters.
I do believe the 1% may be feeling their grip and control of reality slipping through their grasp. It must be a horrifying thought that if you cannot keep up the façade, everything that you faked will be exposed and you will be brought out into the sunlight for all to bear witness to your dastardly deeds. Yes, you Zionist Jew Bastards, your time is near to face judgment, bitches! You have already been judged by Jesus himself so we’ll just dispose of your worthless flesh after we piss on it!
Is there really a dead guy in all of this, or did they just make him up?
Have you heard about the latest ISIS video?
Didn’t watch the video (the one posted on this site), but I read the comments.
They called bogus.
btw, RT commented last night (can’t remember which article). I replied to her comment, but never saw anything more from her.