It Snowed In The Sahara: Can You Guess What’s At Fault?

Pirate’s Cove

It’s you for your poor choice in wrapping paper and planning on serving meat at Christmas dinner. You had to know someone would do this, right?

Climate change: For the first time in 37 years, snow in the Sahara

In 1984, charitable supergroup Band Aid sang, ‘And there won’t be snow in Africa this Christmas time’.

Had it been this year, they’d have got it wrong — on December 19, a freak snow shower coated the dusty red dunes of Aïn Séfra, Algeria’s ‘Gateway to the Desert’.

The snow — the result of a combination of atmospheric factors — stayed for about a day before melting.

The Washington Post reported that a weather map analysis from the day of the snowfall shows that temperatures in the area, at the foothills of the Atlas Mountains, were about 10 to 15 degrees colder than normal when the event occurred. Also, a very strong patch of low pressure had been created at a high altitude, which rapidly sucked up air and cooled it, creating conditions for the extremely rare snowfall.

Seriously. They’re blaming this on ‘climate change.’ Snow.  These people are nuts.

Rather pretty, eh?

Pirate’s Cove

4 thoughts on “It Snowed In The Sahara: Can You Guess What’s At Fault?

    1. Honestly, when I saw the headline I thought it would be the Russians.

      Thank God it wasn’t as this would have been totally insane, well like all their other bull.

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