It’s Time that We The People Take Responsibility for the State of the Nation

Freedom Outpost – by Darwin Rockantansky

Responsibility: The state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management.

To most of us the concept of responsibility is a very simple concept; one that we learned from our parents. Every child is born with a natural instinct to avoid parental retribution for deeds unacceptable for whatever reason. However, loving and caring parents take the time to teach the concept of responsibility; i.e taking “credit” for one’s actions and accepting the consequences for ill-advised actions.  

I suppose it follows that those not blessed with good parenting become politicians.

The current regime has set a high standard of denying responsibility for anything and everything evil that has befallen our nation; a great deal of which has not been unintentional. The typical politician of today no longer strives for public office for any reason other than personal gain, personal wealth, and absolute power over others; the God Syndrome.  In Washington DC, these people become a single sick form of a single symbiotic organism that feeds on each other and breed with each other making them indistinguishable one from the other. I said the “typical” politician. Thankfully, there are “atypical” politicians that walk among us. I am not familiar with the Democrats because their members tend to be dutiful chose. The freedom loving souls tend to gather in the conservative side of the aisle which is where you will find the “atypical” politician. They are easy enough to identify. Simply look for a hyperactive member of the conservative community that is targeted for removal by the establishment GOP.

Here in Nevada, there are two such “atypical” politicians that come to mind: Michele Fiore of Assembly District 4 and John Hambrick of Assembly District 2. Thus far, anyway, they seem to have held onto the concept that they are representatives of We The People and not the personal property of the GOP like slaves of old.

At the national level, we have Ted Cruz and Allen West. Watching Marco Rubio has been a disappointment as I have watched him slide down that slippery slope of trading principles and conviction for acceptance in the Good Ol’ Boys club that is the GOP.

Here at the “ground level” there is only We The People.

It seems to me that once upon a time I read:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Perhaps you have read it too? It is the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Our constitution placed the ultimate power of governance in the hands of We The People. With power comes responsibility. The destruction of this nation is ultimately the responsibility of We The People.

Every one of us is capable of doing more than holding the occasional “pity party” where everyone agrees the world is a mess and laments about the “good old days.” If you do not participate in the political process, then you have abdicated your right to complain about the status quo. Here in Nevada, there are demonstrations almost every week and body count matters. And yes, campaigns need money, but they need manpower just as much.

Our parents taught us responsibility. It is time for We The People to take responsibility for the state of this nation, and if it is in need of realignment then we cannot sit on our butts and wait for a messiah to lead us to the Promised Land. The Promised Land was given to us by our parents, and it is our responsibility to insure that it is passed to those who come after us.

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