17 thoughts on “Jade Helm 15 – the low down

    1. Dear Joe,

      This guy’s data is not outdated,… he is simply full of shit.

      This clown is a classic disinfo agent.

      Ignore him,.. the way you would ignore your neighbors barking dog.

      JD – US Marines – This guy in now official confirmation that JH-15 is far more insidious than we initially condsidered.


  1. Speaker describes two scenarios for SF operations:
    One to conduct partisan linkup with dissidents, train them, provide logistical support and intelligence in an effort to attack the government and achieve regime change. (Cambodia, Western China, Chechnya, Ukraine, etc.)
    Second to train and provide logistical support and intelligence for a partisan government to aid them in defeating dissidents. (Many countries in South and Central America.)

    News reports have described Jade Helm operations as training and performing exercises with local law enforcement. That’s the second SF mission from above.

    So who are the dissidents that local law enforcement and local governments are being trained to put down?

    You’ll see one when you look in the mirror.

    Oh, but these SF troops are patriots. They want us to have our freedom and guns. ….

    You mean like the SF troops who disarmed law abiding citizens, including old ladies, in New Orleans because of some bad weather? You mean like the former Army SF security contractor who I worked with when I was a Pinkerton Rifleman, who bragged about disarming citizens in New Orleans before I metaphorically took him out to the woodshed?

    They are also buying local support by paying crisis actors to participate in the training exercises. They will be recruiting lots of informants in the process.

    1. I agree, I don’t know this guy, but he sounds like a classic psych warfare schill, the whole exercise sounds to me like a test of the infragaurd, the local snitches Jesse V. talked about, and the fusion centers coordinating local cops and military. ‘They want us to have our guns’ bwa-haha, they are 80 iq minions that do what they are told.

  2. Man…….just got done watching “V For Vendetta” on satellite tv!!!
    I’ve seen this movie a few times in the last five or so years BUT this time was different. “Messages” in this film that didn’t mean a lot even last year (when I last watched it) now make total sense (and have come true)…..ALL OF THEM. This story above fits into the movie perfectly!!! Pay particular attention to the Knights Templar Cross on each side of the screen while the Chancellor speaks to his people (as well as in other places). The Templars are where the Freemasons came from.
    Folks, I STRONGLY urge you to watch this movie AGAIN.

    1. Hey William, you ever take note of the line in the movie “The Matrix” where they are fighting to save “Zion”!

  3. Even if this guy is a “legitimate” patriot, I believe he may be blinded by his own experience. His comment that our special forces troops have gotten better at kicking doors in and killing people and have lost their “soft skills” to garner support from the locals mirrors what’s happening with the “Jack-Booted Thugs” currently trained and employed to “keep you safe from the terrorists”. It appears “soft skills ” are no longer necessary to quell public unrest, just make the sheeples fearful of any encounter and they will bow and submit to the state. This is the mindset of law enforcement and the reason for all of the “shoot first, ask questions later” philosophy entrenched in today’s police thanks to Israeli training of our nation’s police.

    First off, we must remove this “wart on the ass of society” called Jews and send them back to their creator, Satan. Then we must sweep the floor to remove any miniscule speck of these vile creatures to prevent any chance of reinfestation. If it is impossible to “root them all out”, I’m afraid we’re going to have to burn the place down and start over.

    1. Agreed, Millard. Cleansing by fire and rebuild anew. Back to the roots of our foundation. Not what we wanted but what is necessary and what we are forced to take part in. So be it. They started it, we’ll finish it. F these j bastards.

  4. I had to turn this BS off.If this guy really believes what he said the kool aid has worked perfectly on him for sure.Jade Helm 15 is training for the sheep to comply and training for the military cops and all law enforcement to see that they do ,nothing more and nothing less. They do not hold these drills for kicks and giggles it is for what they know is coming down the pike due to their relentless tyranny growth which now is out of control. This will never be stopped at the voting booth or in the kangaroo courts that are all across this land and more and more people are seeing this all the time and are arming themselves for this very thing.

  5. When I first watched this a few days ago on another site, I thought the guy was either grossly mistaken or a peacenik hippie flower child. This time though, I got the distinct impression that he was neither.

    In thinking about it, though…I have been following and participating in the ‘patriot’ movement for 10+ years…since Ron Paul was executed by the media. I HAVE NEVER SEEN NOR HEARD OF THIS GUY…. through all the bullshit from the gun grabbers, demonstrations, bundy ranch, CT. NY. CA. CO. WA. etc.

    What we have here is a shill, in the alex jones mold.
    Now, what is he getting out of it? It Remains to be seen, I guess.

    But, for my self, I am increasing my ammo supply and my reloading components.

    Like food, tools, guns and trash bags…its impossible to have too many and too much.

    1. Food pantry stocked – Check
      Adequate water supply – Check
      Ammo supply bursting at the seams – Check
      Watchful eye – Check
      Enraged and pissed off – Check
      Ready to engage in an instant – Check!

  6. Practicing rounding up people and ushering them in to waiting vans is not practice for oversees special ops missions.

  7. I sent this in several weeks ago, to be posted, as an example
    of the propaganda shills that are coming out of the wood work.
    I wouldn’t go near this guy, more or less listen to his “story”.

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