Jared & Amanda Miller – Shooting Suspects in Walmart Footage

Published on Jun 11, 2014 by LasVegasPolice

This video is being released to the media in connection with the press conference held on 6/11/2014. It depicts the two suspects involved in the 6/8/2014 incident in which two LVMPD officers and a civilian were murdered.

35 thoughts on “Jared & Amanda Miller – Shooting Suspects in Walmart Footage

  1. WHAT THE HELL is the narrator talking about???? Who the hell is narrating this? I see two people pointing a guns at one another but that’s it. I can’t even make out their faces.

    I don’t see any of them shooting each other nor do I see her shooting herself in the head, if that even was a woman. The narrator is telling a story that’s clearly not the same with what is being shown in the footage. It’s like telling an audience, “here in the video we have a person running” when clearly the video shows that they are walking. WTF?

    1. out of all of the cameras that Walmart and CiCis have, not to mention the street cameras surrounding the area, all we get is a 24 second grainy video with supposed gunshots that have no flash and a head shot to him with no blood or impact?
      Bull Shit!

  2. Watch her gun NC, she aims and the gun,fires and the weapon moves to left, she is only using one hand and that looks like a large cal. Weapon. After she shoots watch his legs, they start twitching, they fade to black on Amanda’s self inflicted wound. Why they blacked it out is anyone’s guess. I do believe it is Jerad and Amanda.

    1. Where is the ejected shell casing?(semi-auto gun) where is the smoke-muzzle flash/muzzle deflection? where is the supposed involuntary muscle
      movement when you get shot?

      it looks like a walmart employee is the other shooter?….. isnt that
      against their store policy?

      total made-up b.s. FALSE-FLAG. notice the video is from “las-vegas police” and comments are disabled.

      this is total bull-shiite.

  3. I gotta call Bullshit on that one. Photoshop of something else. They are getting really bad at their movie making.

    1. I agree with you, Missy. Let’s face it, most people will watch this and swear on their Mother’s Bible that it is real.

      I thought that the police had admitted that they shot the male,
      and admitted that they had lied when they said the female shot
      the male.

      I call BS on the entire episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Yea, exactly. I was even looking for that proof when I first watched this footage and didn’t see any. Didn’t the police say that they shot the guy and that the woman didn’t shoot him?

        This footage is absolute horseshit!

  4. They are pretending like people don’t know what happens when a pistol is fired or when a bullet strikes an object. This whole thing is a fake and each one of these staged events are getting faker than the one before it. It’s as if they want people to know it’s all made up.

    1. “They are pretending like people don’t know what happens when a pistol is fired or when a bullet strikes an object.” -> LOL!!! true

  5. This video has been spliced right after the 10 second mark, she is turning the gun on herself then it is spliced to her shooting at Jerad . My personal opinion is this is Jerad and Amanda. This video is doctored for sure!

  6. “The female just shot herself in the head”

    Where? When? All I see is a black screen when you say that.

  7. Bad vid to say the least. Watching it , at the 00:10 sec mark she turns the gun sideways and i could be wrong but it looks like the slide is locked to the rear meaning she would be out of bullets. Then at the 11 to12 sec frame it has been cut like there was something they don’t want you to see.

    1. Exactly! (See my comment below) That goes along with my idea that it looked like she was checking her gun for bullets or reloading. NOT shooting herself in the head.

      1. Red horse and NC I believe you could be right. It does look like the slide is back and she is checking the gun. I’m convinced this video is Bullshit and proves nothing.

  8. The general public is lapping it up as we speak! They are so addicted to the nonsense drama on TV they will believe anything. This video is not even a good hoax!!!!!

  9. She doesn’t look like she just shot him. She looks like she is waving her hand to say, “Don’t shoot. It’s just me”, while frantically waving the gun in her hand with the other. At that moment, it looks like he lets out a sigh of relief when he realized it was just her. It then looks like she turned the gun to the side to check and see how many bullets she had left in the gun.

    Hey, you can call me crazy, but that’s what I see from the viewing this footage over and over again.

    This video wouldn’t even hold up in court.

  10. Are you kidding me??

    I watched this four or five times, and that looked like two kids playing cops and robbers with toy guns in slow-motion.

    No muzzle flash, no smoke, no recoil, no blood, and no sign of either body shaking from the force of a bullet strike. How is it possible to fire a bullet into someone without these things?

    I think they try to confuse the issue by zooming the camera in and out, but based on that video, I’d have to say that neither one of those parties were shot, nor shot the other.

    1. “I watched is four or five times, and that looked like two kids playing cops and robbers with toy guns in slow-motion.”

      lol I didn’t want to be the first one to say that, but yea, that’s what it also kinda looks like to me.

      Just look at the editing when she turns the gun sideways. Watch it in slow mode and you can see the color of the gun change from black to brown just as she turns it, as though it was pasted in there that way, while simultaneously you’ll notice that the position of the guy’s legs jump up as though it were two clips spliced together.

  11. i can see nothing in this video …………of value!
    look to where it first appeared…….might say something…
    it’s all nonsense to me……….and i have not looked to it’s first appearance.

    1. Look no further, rbeason, it is all just their made up hoax. Leave it for the general population, they will believe it. Once you sit and watch “Dancing With the Stars” a few times, your brain is cooked and you can no longer think or form a sentence.

      My forefathers would never, ever believe that this country could have gone this far downhill!!

      1. you know what………in my life, honest I may have watched dancing with the stars……….one time….
        recently, I had not watched tv for approx 7 months…turned it on for the NBA finals…and quickly turned it off………..garbage..mostly, i can’t stand the ad’s……….I am sick of it forever…and hope not to die for another 30 years…and think of what I will be able to both contribute to and enjoy…..during that time…………peace…1611believer…………and do keep in touch…….cause, i may just have much to contribute to the kindness of our creator………..homeless ness to start….there may be something you can help in that regard and no its not money

        1. We don’t watch too much TV around here either, rbeason. Nothing worth watching, and I get my news on the internet. Can’t believe a thing you hear on mainline news programs.

          Because my husband and I were with the local Rescue Mission for so many years, I am very familiar with the homeless, and have a love and care for them. Yes, many are there because of addictions, etc., but they are someone’s son, daughter, etc. I had a younger brother and sister who were both alcoholics and died young because of it. Therefore, I have a desire to help the homeless in their memories.

          Unfortunately, many of our cities now don’t want people to even feed the homeless. And I fear that as this economy tanks there will be more and more families on the streets. It is getting real bad.

          And yes, our Creator, great is His faithfulness, goodness and mercies. We need to thank and praise him everyday, and
          be looking for His soon coming!

          Lord bless you, young man!!!

  12. I smell a RAT! If these two assclowns are lying on the floor in Walmart,shooting blanks at each other then they were planted from the beginning of the Bundy standoff. The whole “they were to extreme they had to go ” was a back story for this whole fiction that is being played out! Does this make sense or am I off base?

    1. It was said they had to leave the ranch because they were “too extreme”. I would ask just what exactly is the standard for “too extreme” at an armed stand off?
      The fact is as the Bundys deny any knowledge of the two except what they have been told by others, when Jerad and Amanda arrived at the ranch, they should have been able to draw directly from the resources WE provided and set up their own camp, then the only ones who could tell them to leave would be the Bundys.
      Don’t forget, they sold everything they owned to come to Bunkerville to defend the Bundys with their lives. Before I will think badly of them, I will have to see evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were other than what they claimed to be.

      1. I would agree … that is if actions speak louder than words. I think they had a personal agenda for sure.
        . . .

      2. I just have questions, that’s all. 1. If they love each other, why are they pointing guns at each other. 2. How did they walk around a heavily crime ridden area from 4:30 AM. untill 11:22 AM. With a duffle bag full of weapons and avoid detection? 3. Why kill yourself if you are allegedly starting a Revolution? These questions can never be answered. Oh one more question! How does an alleged white supremist branded by the media, live in a predominantly Black and Hispanic neighborhood?

  13. That video is meaningless. It’s like the couple frames they released of the “boeing” going into the Pentagon on 911.

    Why is the security camera zooming in and out btw?

  14. Also check color scheme and merchandising. Walmart has a dark blue and some other color theme. All stores are basically carbon copies. Much of the merchandise appears to be a hodgepodge of this and that. One of this on the shelf and one of that etc.. Also where did all that crap on the floor come from? Don’t see anything on the floor that matches missing merchandise on the shelves.

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