Joe Biden on Undocumented Immigrants: ‘Take These People Out of the Shadows’

Joe-biden1Mashable – by Colin Daileda

Air Force Two was half an hour late getting to Miami for U.S. Vice President Joe Biden’s commencement speech at Miami Dade College on Saturday, but the former senator from Delaware managed to rile up the crowd, anyway.

His speech was part inspiration, part politics. Biden told the crowd that Americans must continue to innovate if the nation wants to retain its prominent place in the world, and that those graduating on Saturday were in a great position to drive change in a rapidly evolving world. He also called on the United States to provide citizenship to its 11 million “undocumented aliens,” saying part of what makes America great is immigrants willing to give up their lives to start fresh in the U.S.  

Biden’s message seemed to be well-received by audience members. Miami Dade College’s 15,000 graduates represented 39 different nationalities — from Argentina and Bangladesh to China and Chad. With 165,000 students total, it is the nation’s largest community college, and also claims to be one of its most diverse.

We’ve broken down some of the vice president’s best quotes, below:


  • “My name is Joe Biden, I am Jill Biden’s husband. On every community college campus, that’s how I’m known.” The second lady has been a huge advocate for community colleges across the nation, and teaches English full-time at Northern Virginia Community College.
  • “Well, uh, not much going on today, is there?”
  • “I was a half an hour late. There were headwinds that slowed Air Force Two by about half an hour.” A moment later, he added, “Actual headwinds, not political headwinds.”

The language of America

  • “No child is criticized for challenging orthodoxy; that’s why we’re the most innovative country in the world.”
  • “All of you speak the language of America, the language of courage, determination and success. And you made the right decision because you’re graduating into an era of immense change and possibilities for this country.”
  • “More change is going to take place in the next 20 years than has taken place in the last 100 years. America is on the cusp of so many innovations that will change the world.”

On giving citizenship to undocumented immigrants

  • “It’s the morally right thing to do, but it’s also the overwhelmingly best thing to do in the interest of the country.”
  • “It’s time to get done what an overwhelming number of Americans want to do.”
  • “Act now and take these people out of the shadows.”

Wrapping up

  • “Let me conclude by saying, continue. Please continue to pursue your dreams. It’s the only way you’re going to stay young.”


One thought on “Joe Biden on Undocumented Immigrants: ‘Take These People Out of the Shadows’

  1. I can’t read this, or anything else Biden, or any of these politicians say anymore. It’s too insulting to think they want me to believe this crap, and I’ve reached my limit of how much BS I can endure.

    I’m still expecting to read the news one morning and find out that they’ve all fled the country (just before the Chinks begin their military invasion), but I think it would be worth the effort to drag every one of them back here to face justice.

    And their entire families need a little justice too, because they’re all benefiting from the crimes. Biden’s son just got a position with a Russian gas company — or was it a Chink gas company?

    Either way, the VP’s kid is working directly for this nation’s enemies, while your kid is being sent to war to fight them.

    Is there some reason they all shouldn’t be hanged?

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