Joe Biden: Sociopath

Lonely Conservative

I’m all for siblings protecting each other, but as a child Vice President Joe Biden carried the concept to the extreme, if you believe him.

“I remember coming back from Mass on Sunday,” Biden began. “Always the big treat was, we’d stop at the donut shop…We’d get donuts, and my dad would wait in the car. As I was coming out, my sister [Valerie] tugged on me and said, ‘That’s the boy who kicked me off my bicycle.’”

“So I went home—we only lived about a quarter mile away—and I got on my bicycle and rode back, and he was in the donut shop.”

Biden remembered the boy was in a physically vulnerable position: “leaning down on one of those slanted counters.”

Sensing his opportunity, Joey Biden pounced: “I walked up behind him and smashed his head next to the counter.” (Read More)

Unfortunately, he wasn’t done with the story. After smashing the head of the boy in a vulnerable position, he told the boy’s father that he would kill the boy if he ever touched his sister again. Little Joey thought he was in trouble, but his dad told him he was proud.

Normally we wouldn’t make much of a senile old man recounting stories from his childhood, but this senile old man is just a heartbeat away from the presidency. Not to mention what the media would be doing if the senile old politician had the letter “R” after his name.

Remember when the media decided that Mitt Romney supposedly forcibly cutting a classmate’s hair was a searing insight into his character? How would they have handled a story about Mitt slamming a kid’s head into a wall and then threatening to kill him in front of his dad?

Well we all know how they would have handled that. The same way they handled the story of the dog on the roof while ignoring the story of the man who ate dog.

H/T PJ Tatler

3 thoughts on “Joe Biden: Sociopath

  1. “… this senile old man is just a heartbeat away from the presidency.”

    And people think Obummer is bad?

    The thought of this psycho in control scares the CR@P out of me!!!

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