The Daily Sheeple – by Sean Walton
During this week’s Democrat primary debate, former Vice President Joe Biden focused on gun control efforts like a government buyback of “assault weapons”, which is a word used by people who don’t understand firearms.
But the craziest moment of his anti-Constitution diatribe came when Biden declared he supported regulation for the “number of clips in a gun”.
Joe Biden said such an “assault weapons” buyback is possible and has already been a topic of conversation. He added that such a buyback ought to be “demanded” because “it’s a good expenditure of money.”
Biden also boasted about securing the 1994 “assault weapons” ban and said he also banned “the number of clips in a gun.”He also pushed “smart guns,” saying, “No gun should be able to be sold unless your biometric measure could pull that trigger. It’s within our right to do that, we can do that. Our enemy is the gun manufacturers, not the NRA.”
I must admit I agree with Biden on one point, we should regulate the number of clips IN a gun. Can you just imagine what would happen to this country if we allowed for more than one?
Seriously though, why is it that the people wanting to create gun regulation are the ones with the least knowledge about them?
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Contributed by Sean Walton of The Daily Sheeple.
Sean Walton is a researcher and journalist for The Daily Sheeple.Send tips to
“Biden also boasted about securing the 1994 “assault weapons” ban and said he also banned “the number of clips in a gun.”
(wasn’t going to start commenting just yet, but this was too good to pass up)
LOL… found a new one just for Joe… ULTRAMAROON!!!
Madonna’s anti-gun psy-op:
The most disturbing thing in the video was not the shootings but her well-known Kabbalahist usage of Jesus Christ as a tool to enforce the notion that Jesus Christ, Who gives everyone a choice (believe in Him or not…that’s between you and God), would force everyone to give up their guns, their Bill of Rights, and their liberty–something the god she worships, Satan, would easily want to do!
Since I found out she was a Kabbalahist, Galen, I have disregarded every piece of tripe this (insert cuss word here) has ever said, sang (not that she can really sing…she autotunes like the rest of ’em), or did onstage or off-stage. I don’t know who is more demonically possessed—Madonna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, or Nicki Minaj.
I never connected with her, DL. She always seemed the height of superficiality. And yeah, awful, nasal voice.
And poor thing… she’s only worth $800 MILLION!! Well, at least she can pay her bodyguards well.
ps: And even though a lot of us can’t stand her, sadly, she’s polluting our young ones – for decades. Snake-like.
But not my young ones…maybe it was the home schooling, but niether my son nor daughter ever even listened to any of the (insert cuss word here) I mentioned above in pop music garbage…my daughter knows all about Minaj and “Roman” and Gaga’s Baphomet stuff (she listens to Japanese rock anyway) and my son loves bluegrass and zydecko!
Mylie Cyrus?
Forgot her, and she is a well -known autotuner…and I never could stand her dad Billy Ray (akey-breakey heart my a$$!). I wonder if she underwent MK Ultra type training from her dad in Branson, Missouri…
For my mammon, she’s one of the skankiest sluts to ever come out of Hollyweird.
Speaking of Miley Cyrus… This is her latest offering. Premiered today. Warning: highly graphic, but to look is to understand what they are sellin’. Brace yourself:
That anyone can force us to give up our guns is a misnomer and the horseshit of all horseshit.
They can take our lives as we are taking theirs, but if they get the guns otherwise, we give them to them via pure cowardice.
It just fries my ass to hear anyone say these pencil neck spineless communist pieces of shit can just take a gun from anyone. We should be aggressive and never speak complicity when it comes to our birthrights.
Not exactly a gun expert (I’ve shot guns but usually only in practice scenarios) but when I saw this headline (on another site first) I almost spit out my coffee! Where do these idiots come up with this stuff?
“Clips”… IN a gun ???
Nuff said?
Our reps and heads of state should be taking a test
If they don’t pass it
Firing squad
Hes a closet fag, to be expected.
“No gun should be able to be sold unless your biometric measure could pull that trigger. It’s within our right to do that, we can do that.”
“Our enemy is the gun manufacturers, not the NRA.”
True about the NRA, they’re gatekeepers… but NOT the gun manufacturers.
They may be YOUR enemy, but not OURS.
OUR enemy is jewb#tch commie scumbags like you, and we have LOTS of rope.
Preferably hemp (ESPECIALLY since you pukes ‘outlawed’ it).
Lets fix the sentence to what he may have ment.
Limit the amount of mags in a gun.
If i have two rugar 10-22s held together and on a tripod with rotating trigger bar, does that make two guns There is two serial numbers. In that case.i would definitely want more.than one mag.
Ah f-it. Too hard to wordsmith with people who are retarded.
Come clips. their stripper.clips. You might get a show. Bring ones.
If nothing else, idiots like Joe are proving daily that we’re not in f%&king Kansas anymore.
Soon, even the halfway intelligent sheeple are going to figure it out.
Even in the Matrix (where virtually ANYTHING is possible) I counted only ONE ‘clip’ per every single weapon used.
Joe boy is frickin’ SENILE!
They need to put his retarded @ss out to pasture.
This is interesting…
“He barricaded the doors. Turned off the lights.
He said he could never return to the Houston-area school where 10 died and another 13 were injured last spring. “Just knowing that there’s blood on the walls where you walk at … I don’t think I could go back,” he said,”
Poor thing.
But wait…
“But according to the school district, he was never there.”
Neither was the blood or corpses.
I wanted to regulate the number of hair plugs that creepy, pedophiliac freak of a politician had “installed” in that big ol’ melon head of his.
Hence his nick name ‘Big Stupid’.
Wow! Number of clips IN a gun…. What a bunch of Malarkey!