John McCain Calls for Blood Sacrifice in Syria for Zion

One of the top representatives for the industrial war complex, Arizona Representative John McCain, is back on the propaganda trail pushing for US air strikes in Syria and also for more small arms to be brought in to that country from the United States and handed over to the Al Qaeda insurgency there, both of which are acts of war.

In past years individuals like McCain have stood out distinctly as the death salesmen they are.  But now it has reached the point to where he is all but lying on the floor, kicking and waving his arms and saying, “I want it, I want it, I want a US invasion in Syria and I want it now.”

McCain is of course now trying to use the issue of chemical weapons possessed by the Syrian government to achieve his goal.  He is saying on the one hand that the Syrian government might use these weapons of mass destruction on its own people and then on the other hand, that the weapons might fall into the hands of the Al Qaeda insurgents and be used internationally in acts of terrorism.  You know, the same Al Qaeda insurgents that we are smuggling arms to.

Every county in the Middle East has a stock pile of chemical weapons which have been sold to them either by the US or Russia.  Chemical weapons are banned by the United Nations, so why is it all right for governments friendly to the United States and Israel to possess these weapons, that is so long as they remain friendly to the United States and Israel?

I suppose if we support a government using these weapons of mass destruction to kill people we declare as wrong and bad, then this is an acceptable form of warfare.  Kind of like the UN ban on cluster bombs, that is unless of course those cluster bombs are being used to kill and maim Palestinian children.

McCain is a despicable monster.  He is evil and looks at human suffering only in the terms of profits to be made by the Zionists with Satan at their head whom he worships as his god through the blood sacrifices he procures in the name of we the people of the United States.

It is hard to believe that the people of Arizona continue to condone the actions of McCain through his reelection to consecutive terms.

God help the people of Arizona to see this servant of Satan McCain for what he is.

5 thoughts on “John McCain Calls for Blood Sacrifice in Syria for Zion

  1. Guess the people of Arizona are just being good christian zionists. Got to support those wars for Israel, after all they are Gods chosen people.

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