6 thoughts on ““John McCain Might Have Just Set Us Up For The Next 9/11!”

  1. Bullsheet ISIS trained by our military in Jordon who they kidding. Nothing happens unless it is planned and executed by the controllers. We aimed to destabilize the Middle east and dammit we (our CIA) did.

  2. Only, Osama and crew had nothing to do with the 911 attack. That’s why the FBI never listed him as a suspect for that crime.

    As a REAL authority (Dr. Alan Sobrosky, Direrector of course study at the US Army War College for 5+ years) has said on Internet radio and foreign TV: “With 100 percent certainty, 911 was a Mossad operation.”

    The “Osama did 911” story is for those who still believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy.

  3. Y’all got it right. To believe this bit you’d have to be drinking the 9/11 kool-aid first.

    Best to remind people too that these ISIS soldiers are made up of mercenaries that have been everywhere from Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, and any other place they are needed.

    Benghazi was all about cleaning up loose ends and using it to distract from the fact they were funneling the mercenaries and arms they had used to take out Gaddafi and sending them to Syria to help oust Assad.

    For some reason though certain phone calls keep getting out on the WWW that are exposing the ruse and ole switcharoo that is going on in the Middle East and the Ukraine. They are exposing the cover story and lies straight from the political puppets mouths.

    Seems as if they are giving the PEOPLE one last chance to SEE what is really going on, but will enough wake up and get the sleep out of their eyes soon enough??

    Let’s hope that Iran doesn’t sneeze, the people of Ukraine get their country back to what THEY want it to be, and we here at home hold our ground.

    We are living history in the making.

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