Join us tonight for the Liberty Bible Hour

Tonight we’ll begin our look at the period of time known as the, “Tribulation”.

* What might the events running up to it look like?

* Are they similar to what we’re seeing in today’s headlines?

Also, we’ll examine what some of the terminology means, where it’s used, and why.  

I encourage everyone to tune in at 8 pm eastern where our question will be “Can You See It Now ?”

 Liberty Bible Hour

“An Internet Missionary Outreach

Reflecting Light So Others May See”

Thursdays @ 7-8 pm e.d.t.

with Pastor Brooks

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20 thoughts on “Join us tonight for the Liberty Bible Hour

  1. Thank You !
    Listeners like you, truly, make
    it a blessing to share God’s word.
    Thank You for being there !

    1. God’s precious Word is the only thing that we have to cling
      to in this present, wicked world. As for me and my house, we
      are “looking up”, as “our Redemption draweth nigh.”

      Anxious to hear the Word tonight!

    2. Pastor I want to Thank You for what you do!! I really enjoyed your Bible Study tonight! I have been waking up at 4:30 every morning and doing Bible Study with Arnold Murray every morning for 6 years. I have not been very vigilent lately in waking up on time, so I have only caught a couple of Bible Studies in the past few weeks. Well today I was on their website, so I could catch up, I found out he passed away on Feb. 12th. It really hit me, so now I can have you as my Pastor!! But I will really miss ol Arnold Murray, he was a great man of God. He was 85 years old, so the Lord needed him home.

  2. He’s already covered the tribulation…why doesn’t he preach a message that prepares soldiers for battle? Jesus overturned the money-changers’ (bankers) tables. What have you, Christian, done to defy the bankers lately? Jesus told his disciples to sell their clothing and buy a sword…what have you pawned lately, Christian, so that you can buy a weapon? There’s a reason Peter, a fisherman, carried a sword into the Garden of Gethsemane and it wasn’t diplomacy. When I listen to this broadcast I don’t hear a call to arms and our duty-I hear a call to drink some Kool-Aid. I hear a call to allow the Zionists to run roughshod over us, the same people who Jesus spoke of in the parable where those invited to the wedding feast wouldn’t come so the bridegroom sent men into the streets to invite whomever they could find! The Jews refused the invitation so now the gentiles are the honored ones. Am I wrong? I’m not a fundamentalist…just a guy who can read with his own eyes the Bible sitting on my shelf.

    1. John,
      We will all be going through the tribulation soon. It is a very necessary lesson that needs to be taught. In my opinion the a message on the tribulation is also a message on current events. If you understand the tribulation, then you can prepare as you need to survive it. Pastor Brooks works hard to bring you a message every week. If you would like to teach something to other Patriots, contact Liberty Tree and get a show and stop disrespecting the Patriots who are spending their time to bring you information.

      1. I am a patriot and wasn’t making a personal attack. I’ll let the LTR Christian community determine the merit of this show. I won’t comment on the subject again. Sink or swim.

        1. Brother John,
          I don’t doubt your patriotism, but these are your words, “When I listen to this broadcast I don’t hear a call to arms and our duty-I hear a call to drink some Kool-Aid. I hear a call to allow the Zionists to run roughshod over us, ”
          The Black Robed Regiment Pastors fought in the 1st. Revolution

    2. John, you do not know Pastor Brooks. To suggest he has not put out a call to arms is bordering on the ridiculous. Pastor Brooks is better known here in the Trenches as Paraclete. He has posted almost 1,800 articles on this site and has encouraged our people to stand to the fight. He is militia. He is armed and has declared his intent to fight, which to me accounts for more than any other measurement of a man who calls himself my brother in arms. Pastor Brooks, I guess you could say, is our spiritual adviser here in the Trenches.
      All are welcome here, but make no mistake, we are a family. Bottom line: treat our brother with respect if you wish to remain in our company. Brooks is obviously effective as is witnessed by the family he has pastored over here in the Trenches.

  3. John’s frustration can be understood to some degree…..
    I preach Jesus Christ from the pulpit.
    It’s my desire that everyone know and understand their
    spiritual relationship with God, through Our Lord.
    So they may be able to STAND against the forces of evil.
    And not be afraid …..For they know where their future lies.
    When out of the pulpit I preach FREEDOM !
    There’s a time and a place for everything.

    Thank You !
    To my “Trenches” family for your love,
    understanding, and especially your support.

    God Bless Each And Everyone One Of You !

  4. Paraclete. Just listened to you in the archives. Got my time zones mixed up. 😳 You are perfectly scriptural, as what you spoke I have read, and studied in scripture. God will bless you for what you are doing. Good to hear about your successful eye surgery. HE is the GREAT PHYSICIAN. 🙂

      1. Also on FTTWR, the listen here tab opens up cheap stream, and Henry plays it on that, and that is 7 pm Eastern or 6 Pm Central!!!

        1. Thank You, praise be His
          message came forth well !
          I use several texts.
          Primarily, the 1611 KJV Thompson’s
          Chain Reference Edition …..also,
          The English Standard Version
          The New American Standard Bible
          The New King James Version
          These three are excellent texts, and they’re
          very useful for comparison.
          Comparing texts, helps with comprehension.
          Especially when one’s doing word studies.
          The main thing to keep in mind with
          “Translations” is this:
          Is it true to the gospel message ?
          Is it true to the writers intent ?
          The three texts mentioned above,
          read easier assisting comprehension.
          Remember, we don;t speak like
          Shakespearian, or Elizabethan anymore.
          For casual reading, I’ve found the NKJV
          reads very smooth…and stays on target.
          The “Translation” debate, which has raged
          on for years, is silly. If one wants “the”
          best text. One should learn to read Greek
          and Hebrew. The reliability and integrity
          of God’s word can be found in the texts
          which I’ve listed. As well as a few others.
          But these are the ones which I prefer.
          Beware of those which are gender neutral.
          Or those that Paraphrase.
          New Age Bibles are also very dangerous.
          Stay in the Word. Some folks read the Bible
          through each year. That’s fine, but do they really take away what’s being said ?
          It doesn’t matter how much you read each day. What matters is that one reads it, daily.
          If a chapter each day is too much to reflect upon, read a few verses. We’re supposed to “mull” the word over in our minds. So we can digest what it’s saying. Similar to a cow chewing his “cud” As one reflects on God’s word, one should pray for the illumination of the Holy Spirit, for understanding.
          Soon, after we finish this current series,
          “God’s Timeline To Eternity” we’ll study how
          to, “Practice The Presence Of God”
          As my mother use to say,
          “Stay In Tune With God,
          Read Your Bible Daily.”

          God Bless !

  5. I will stand with any man or women who believes in freedom/the constitution/and to the best of ones ability trying to help others including strangers.I do not care about ones religion or in my case lack of one/ethnicity/sexuality/monetary status ect.,tis none of my business,you believe in fighting tyranny and the evil that goes with it good enuff for me.When our job is done and we prevail can go back to our own groups ect. and debate our points of view till our tongues fall off,till then though,we are all in this together.

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