Judge Brown Conspires Against Defense in Oregon Standoff Trial

Published on Sep 28, 2016 by End Times News Report

In this report, Jake Morphonios explains part of the defense strategy of Ammon Bundy and his co-defendants which is based on the proper interpretation of US Code 18 USC § 372. This statute addresses conspiracies against federal officers to overthrow the US government. Malhuer Wildlife park employees are not considered federal officers under this wartime statute. Despite the clear intent of the law, Judge Brown told the jury to disregard the defense arguments against the prosecution’s case.

3 thoughts on “Judge Brown Conspires Against Defense in Oregon Standoff Trial

  1. First, the law is valid. But, the people who are “working” for the US Government must be performing their LAWFUL duties.

    Second,The BLM is not even a lawful agency as the federal government was NOT delegated that authority. That is who that law is required to be used against.

    Why? Our government is a Constitutional Republic, with the US Constitution and each state’s Constitution being “THE” government. All who serve within it are REQUIRED to be doing LAWFUL, constitutionally assigned duties.. Anything else being done or created is usurpation at the least, up to treason. All agencies created, all duties performed by them must be authorized by the US Constitution to be lawful. All duties that the federal government is to perform is in writing within the US Constitution.

    The people who serve within our governments – state and federal – are not “THE” government whatever position they occupy. The US Constitution assigns all federal authority to the three different different branches and to specific-named-in-writing offices within those branches.

    The people who serve within our governments – elected, hired, contracted, etc – have no authority of their own. They are ALLOWED to use the authority of the branch or office they occupy as long as they are doing the duties assigned by US Constitution, take and KEEP the Oath(s) required by it. It matters not what position they occupy be it yard work, legislative, judicial, executive they are ALL bound to that contract by an Oath which is the highest legal binding of our nation, and it is required of all who serve within the government.

    Oath taking is serious, and it holds serious consequences for breaking it (although we seem to no longer enforce them – keyword is “we”). Today it is still a felony and the crime of Perjury. The statute used to be this –

    Title 18 U.S. Code section 2381: “When in the presence of two witnesses to the same overt act or in an open court of law if you fail to timely move to protect and defend the constitution of the United States and honor your oath of office you are subject to the charge of capital felony treason, and upon conviction you will be taken by the posse to the nearest busy intersection and at high noon hung by the neck until dead…The body to remain in state till dusk as an example to anyone who takes his oath of office lightly.

    But was changed to this shortly after what we now call “progressive” got a toehold on our nation changed it to this –

    Title 18 U.S. Code section 2381: Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

    No question in my mind why, they were afraid that the American people would actually start educating themselves, etc and enforce it. They may be treasonous, but they are not stupid in their actions to destroy our nation. But I regress.

    Under the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land, it must be observed that the only crimes assigned to the federal government in the Constitution for law enforcement purposes are Treason, Piracy, Counterfeiting, and International law violations. They have no lawful authority concerning anything else.

    The judge is acting and enforcing Maritime law. She actually does not have any judicial authority unless she is doing the duties assigned to the legislative branch – remember that state Constitutions require that the US Constitution be upheld and followed, and that the US Constitution itself says what the “upper” and “lower” judicial may do.

    By using maritime law she is behaving as if the USA was under martial law or a person serving declared “emergency powers” for them/their selves.

    But… we ARE lawfully under the US Constitution because we the people have not changed it – ignored or not; enforced or not – and there is no such thing as martial law or emergency powers here in the USA.

    Nothing that judge does or says that does not follow the US Constitution is lawful. Basically this is a long way to say this is a kangaroo court. That the judge is committing TREASON against the American people, the USA, and with the threat of governmental force, *terrorism.

    *28 C.F.R. Section 0.85 Terrorism is defined as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives”.

    Ignorance of our US Constitution is NOT bliss, it is deadly to the USA and to the American people. The USA only exists because of that document and each state’s Constitution.

    Oh, and the BLM is a treasonous and *terrorist organization.

    note – I will totally understand that you not put this up. God Bless and Stay Safe!

    1. The codes and statutes are NOT valid or law, they were never passed by the senate , they were codified and printed as administrative rules. They are not valid laws. They only apply to those in the administration.

      1. You’re correct and I am wrong. Thank you for pointing out that fact that those “laws” were created by agencies, not by those that serve within the House of Representatives and the Senate as required by the US Constitution, as they are the ONLY body that was delegated the authority to create laws that are binding on the people – and those two offices are NAMED in writing.

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