Judge Upholds City Firearms Ban

Erie TV News

A gun rights group will not be permitted to carry their firearms during a rally this Saturday at Perry Square.

That was the ruling from an Erie County judge today.  A group called,”Open Carry Pennsylvania” was given a permit to hold the rally.  However, the city told members to keep their guns at home. The city cited an 1976 ordinance that forbids people from carrying a firearm into a park.  

The group took the city to court saying the ordinance is illegal. Their attorney, Joshua Prince, said only the state can impose restrictions on the Second Amendment.

“The General Assembly has said no municipality may regulate in any manner the possession, transfer, and other things of firearms and ammunition,” he said.

Erie City Solicitor Greg Karle disagreed.

“You’ve got kids in the park. You’ve got activities in the park. Something could occur and someone could be injured. It’s a safety measure and I think a reasonable safety measure,” he said.

Judge Ernest DiSantis sided with the city, saying the state law is unclear.

The gun rights group is expected to appeal.



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