Justice for Jessica: Suspect In Jessica Chambers Murder Enters Not Guilty Plea…

The Conservative Treehouse – by sundance

Therese Apel, a reporter for the Clarion Ledger, has done some fantastic reporting on the murder case of Jessica Lynn Chambers.   Therese has a video update –HERE– Jessica’s death was a shocking and horrific murder that impacted many CTH readers including myself.

Today the man accused of burning Jessica to death, Quinton “Go Hard” Tellis, appeared in a Mississippi courtroom to face the charges.  

jessica chambers 8

Therese Apel – Quinton Tellis, 27, entered a not guilty plea in the 2014 burning death of a Mississippi teen that gained national attention.

Tellis is charged with capital murder, accused of setting Jessica Chambers, 19, on fire on a rural road in Courtland. She was found with burns over 98 percent of her body, officials said.

quinton verdell tellisOn Friday, Tellis entered the Desoto County courtroom in his orange jumpsuit with his attorneys Darla Palmer and Alton Peterson. He nodded to his family, who were seated on the front row on the left side of the court, across from Chambers’ family. When he entered, Jessica’s stepmother Debbie Chambers put her arm around her father, Ben Chambers, but Chambers’ family was otherwise stoic.

He entered his plea through Palmer and was escorted back out of the courtroom.

Authorities said they expected Tellis to plead not guilty, as he has not so far admitted to killing Chambers.

Tellis’ trial is tentatively set for September, but District Attorney John Champion said it’s not a hard and fast date.  (read more)


7 thoughts on “Justice for Jessica: Suspect In Jessica Chambers Murder Enters Not Guilty Plea…

  1. What a horrible f–king monster. She was really foolish to get involved with him, but no one deserves to go the way she did.

    If that had been my daughter, I doubt the bastard would have made it to court alive. He’d be lucky that I’m not a barbarian like he is and that his death, while painful, wouldn’t be quite as bad as hers was.

    It’s my understanding that she survived long enough to speak her killer’s name to whomever found her. Good for her.

  2. “Tellis is charged with capital murder, accused of setting Jessica Chambers, 19, on fire on a rural road in Courtland. She was found with burns over 98 percent of her body, officials said.”


  3. I say let’s stab him painfully until he admits it, like that nigger did to get her pin number, then make him donate to the “Ignited Negro Fund”. (Richard Prior)

  4. People should realize that because of our country’s history of slavery, many blacks are raised with a hatred, or resentment of white people, and that sentiment seems to play a part in many black-on-white crimes that can be a lot more gruesome than average, or normal criminal behavior.

    Growing up in Brooklyn, I’ve had a lot of black friends, because I was certainly NOT raised to be a racist, and I still don’t consider myself to be one. I have, however, learned to avoid blacks because they overwhelmingly seem to hate me for being white.

    I see classic Freudian projection in many blacks’ claims of “racism”, just as the Jews scream “anti-Semite” because they were raised to despise goyim.

    Blacks can not only be racist, but in my experience, they’re much more racist than any white people I’ve ever known, who are usually taught by their parents NOT to be racist.

  5. Guess that phrase “once you go black, you never go back” pertains here.
    Sorry, no tears here. Wanna do a gang banger? Might just be you that gets banged.
    Sorry, sick of little white girls calling white men evil things then doing black guys to show us all.

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