One thought on “Kiev vs Philly

  1. This is one of the most striking things ever put together. Could anything make it more clear that we are being fleeced, defrauded, and targeted for destruction, than these comparative images? Sickening!!, but at the same time, another rallying call to stand ready.

    Wars have so many dark objectives. Rarely are they for noble purposes. This is not our war. It is the war of distraction and dark control, of chaos and confusion, of contradiction in all the mixed messages that come from it: restore Kazaria. No, poison Ukraine with radiation and unexploded ordinances. I personally think the whole thing has gotten out of their hands and they are scrambling on how to wrap it up and move on to the next atrocity they’d love serve humanity.

    Philadelphia houses our Liberty Bell. In my mind I’m rocking the damn thing back and forth, making it ring glaringly loud and unceasingly. So loud as to reach Zelensky’s ears and render him petrified.


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