Published on Jun 27, 2014 by Rumble Viral
How incredible is this? A kitten named Miro was amazed to see a new born deer (fawn) at the front door. Watch him try to figure out what’s going on! Adorable!
Notice: This deer was a baby, less than 48 hours old. It was NOT hurt nor injured, but it was not able to walk due to its youth and natural defence mechanisms. It was happily re-united with its mother by the people who found this fawn shortly after this video was taken.
Here is the follow-up video showing the fawn get up and that it is perfectly fine and not hurt:…
I’m always amazed at how different species of animals can play together, but I have a few questions about this particular video.
“Notice: This deer was a baby, less than 48 hours old.”
I don’t believe that. Did they see this thing being born? I’ve seen baby deer that were tiny; not much bigger than a small dog. It’s hard to imagine one getting so big in 48 hours.
“…not able to walk due to its youth..”
The tiny deer I saw were all walking across the road behind their Mom.
And it looks incredibly unresponsive, too. Is it drugged, or dying?