Laws and Words that Enslave Us – Part 1

This info opened my eyes 20 some years ago.


The Unlawful Deception

Our entire legal system is underpinned by Maritime or Admiralty Law, that very few people are even aware of and is guarded by the highest levels of our legal system. It is a great trick of deception that has been played on most of humanity, keeping us entangled in a web of confusion about who we really are and our rights as living breathing human beings, while we are literally treated as numbers by our so-called authorities.   

This is a deeply convoluted system that has been evolving for thousands of years. It has nothing to do with justice for the people but everything to do with the control over human beings who are all sovereign and have inalienable rights that they do not know about. It’s about keeping us ignorant so that we can continue to be treated like cargo and possessions.
Most of us are filled with utter shock and disbelief when we first stumble upon this information and many people choose to simply reject it as utter nonsense. I urge you to read this carefully and then do your own research to verify what you find. Share this with everyone you know, because we can only free ourselves from the unlawful control of our people by becoming informed.

Knowledge is power. Let us use this knowledge to free ourselves from the unlawful oppression and financial tyranny imposed on the people by a small number of individuals.

Part 1:

Words ending in SHIP include ownership, custodianship, partnership, receivership and of course citizenship (see all 218 words here: The vast majority of these terms are used commercially because commerce originated from shipping merchants, who extended their rituals and practices from the sea onto the land.

This is why you must SHIP your furniture from Vegas to Dallas, even though there is not a drop of water in sight. This is also why you need a passport to travel. There are even ports in the air, known as airports which are clear extensions of the laws and rituals of the sea. It is all about money and commerce.

When driving on a road, one uses a left and right lane. These lanes are symbolic of shipping lanes. Strangely, common city streets have islands which need to be negotiated, just like ships negotiate difficult waters. The person sitting next to the driver is called a passenger. Passengers are paying people who are taken from one place to another on commercial vessels for money.

The assumption is made that you are always doing commerce when driving on a road. Commercial vessels need to insure their cargo. That is why passengers are insured because they are literally considered cargo. Who owns the cargo? Research this yourself to find out just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Even the word currency that we use to describe money, originates from the current of the sea: current-sea.

The word “person” means corporation and a person is therefore considered cargo. If a person cannot maintain their commercial integrity, the corporation sinks, the business cannot stay afloat and they are declared insolvent.

A solvent is a liquid in which something can be dissolved. If you have too many illiquid assets, you are insolvent. This is why the word liquidity is used in commercial affairs. Everything is about water and the sea because commercial laws of the sea is about commerce and cargo.

It’s about turning real solid things on land, into liquid trading commodities such as money, commercial paper and negotiable instruments. How the illiquid (the real assets) are linked to the liquid (money) is the most masterful of deceptions and why lawyers are paid huge amounts of money NOT to investigate this.

In summary, it works like this: unless you specify otherwise, YOU ARE THE STATE’S CARGO. However, if you specify to someone who has no idea what you are talking about (like a traffic officer) that you are not cargo, they will look at you very strangely, and possibly lock you up for the night.

See how clever this is: a ship berths in a canal, and its cargo is offloaded into a delivery room where it is accounted for by way of a certificate with a title. Certificates are evidence of ownership and commercial value like a share certificate.

Is it a coincidence that babies are also born from a birth canal in a delivery room? And a doctor then signs a manifest of live birth and issues a birth certificate in their name? The baby is then registered  and it, the baby, now has a commercial value as property. The word register comes from Latin rex regus – “for the crown”.

This property (cargo) has been gifted to the crown (ie. the government’s estate). The state now has a vested commercial interest or share in the value of that property / cargo. That is why your human baby is stripped of all rights and given a commercial value to be traded as part of the national corporation.

Please see the evidence on our website that the SA Government is registered as a Corporation on the US/New York Securities & Exchange – allowing it to sell the labour of its people into slavery to invisible shareholders around the world.

If you take a look at your birth certificate, you will see that it does not say what you are – ie. a human being. However, if an animal is born, it gets a certificate specifying “bovine” or “feline” or “equine” or whatever the case may be. Put simply, when a human baby is born, a shadow corporation is formed in the baby’s name. The baby’s name then becomes it’s title. This cute little corporation only has those rights which the state chooses to give it.
Ask yourself – is a baby born with any natural rights at all – like the right to food and water? Or does it only have those rights which are granted to it by the state? Well, the state can intervene at any time in the life and education of that child can it not? It can if the child is their precious cargo. This is why the state has the right to remove children from their parents at will, making any excuse it chooses as its legal reason.

Remember that a flesh and blood human being has no natural “legal” standing, only it’s shadow corporation or “juristic person” does. This is why the word “human being” is not in Black’s Law Dictionary, and Black’s Law Dictionary contains just about every word imaginable.

However, if you want a definition of a human being, go back to 1930 and read Ballentine’s Law dictionary where next to Human Being, it says “see monster.”

Ships require navigational instruments to negotiate through rough waters. Instruments used to negotiate the seas of commercial law are negotiable instruments and are used as money. Banks do not use ‘money’, they work with negotiable instruments like Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes – NOT Money. Money is a fancy word used to keep people happy on the other side of the counter.

Just like ships use negotiable instruments, so do merchants (bankers, lawyers and judges) use negotiable instruments between themselves. This is why they always threaten to take a “course of action.” This is very important because if you understand the concept of negotiable instruments, the banking and court systems begin to unravel and make more sense.

For example, a “draft” is not a pint of beer. A draft is a bill of exchange which is an order to pay money. An order to pay money, like a promise to pay money, in a world where money is not backed by any physical resource, the draft is, quite literally, the money itself.

(In memory of Dr. Johan Joubert, who dedicated his life to bring us this volume of research and knowledge. This is an edited version of one of his many articles.)

12 thoughts on “Laws and Words that Enslave Us – Part 1

  1. When I learned about this in the mid-90s and the yellow braid or whatever it’s called around the flag I really was flabborghasted…this is one reason why when I tried to defend my right to travel w/o seatbelts/driver license etc. during the mid-90s and went to jail over it, I came to understand just what that yellow braid around the flag meant. thing is, the USA is so lawless now, does it really matter if this is exposed or not? If the cops want to beat the crap outta you, who gives a crap about gold braid? They’ll do it anyway, braid or no braid? The truly unfortunate thing is if we are to restore the rule of law here in the US, I am afraid we are gonna have to use the same brute force tactics they use. Exchange one oppressor with another…just like Rick “RoT” McLaren tried to do.

  2. An initial challenge to in-personam jurisdiction, as the charging instrument, whether indictment, summons or warrant, will be using your strawmans all uppercase name, as well as a challenge to subject matter jurisdiction based on the inapplicability of the statute in question to apply to a flesh and blood human is in order. Predictably, the judge will deny these challenges/defenses out of hand, with or without any controverting submissions by the state in direct contravention of the cannons of judicial conduct and rule 8 of the civil rules of procedure.
    The key to unlock the cage we all find ourselves in at this time is the judiciary. This branch of government was created, in part, to protect the people from the ambitions and excesses of the other branches of government. Nearly all important issues are ultimately determined in a courtroom. Citizens no longer have direct access to grand juries and find that their complaints are first filtered through the political office of the district attorney. Litigants are routinely denied standing or due process in the courts to frustrate those who seek justice from the state.
    In Marbury v. Madison the supreme court ruled that an unconstitutional statute is void “ab initio” or from it’s inception. It reasonably follows that one of the first issues before any court should be the constitutionality of the law involved. Judges swear an oath to support and defend the constitution, within which is found your right to due process of law. Why is it that a denial of due process, the very definition of a void judgement, never renders any judgement void or results in prosecution of the judge for perjury of his oath?
    Judges are the gatekeepers of society. We depend upon them for redress and remedy. They have failed. In order to obtain remedy we must take back our courts by holding judges accountable.
    “Jail For Judges” is a concept which creates an external review board to hear complaints of judges actions or negligence and to sanction judges up to and including imprisonment. When judges must choose between according due process to litigants and going to jail for failure to do so, that is when people will receive due process and not a minute before. When “Jail For Judges” becomes law in any single jurisdiction, i.e. any state of the union, a person need only move to that state long enough to establish residency in order to qualify to petition the court for vacation of a facially void judgement, which is the court record of a case which demonstrates a denial of due process.
    People must qualify ballot initiatives to institute “Jail For Judges” and re-institute direct access for the public to grand juries to facilitate indictments against govt. actors who commit crimes. In this way the system may be used to purify itself and to return our country to a constitutionally restrained republic.

    1. Jim,Been there done that, JFJ is a big fkn joke wanting you to send them MONEY,explored this “gonna solve all our problems” GIMIC in 2001, THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN DEFEND YOUR FREEDOM IS YOU.No one else can defend “your” freedom each one of us must draw our line in the sand.FEAR is the MINDKILLER

      1. The judicial branch can nullify the unconstitutional enactments of the legislative branch and controls the enforcement arm of the executive branch. The mechanism already exists to execute a bloodless revolution.
        We need only take back control of our courts by holding the judiciary accountable for it’s actions.

        1. The Congressional Branch can also stop the infringements by refusing the finance them. So can the Executive by refusing to enforce unconstitutional laws.
          The fact is the government, and that includes the absolutely 110% conquered and controlled Judicial Branch, is subverted and held by force of arms by foreign insurgents.
          The notion that we can somehow talk our way out of this armed occupation, is pure bullshit. This is a failed state. The Constitution is an open contract. Nothing changes until we stand up as individuals and enforce our Bill of Rights at the barrel of a gun. This is how the rights were won. This is how the rights are maintained.

        2. The “jewdicial branch ALLOWED the DECEIT to happen!!!!!! Wake up Jim take the red pill.They have repeatedly IGNORED our petitions,they have REPEATEDLY stolen our elections so that eliminates the “ballot box” and the “soapbox”THEY ARE BEATING AND KILLING OUR WOMEN KIDS AND ELDERLY. America has 5% of the worlds population yet has 25% OF THE WORLDS prisoners.jIM SAYS”We need only take back control of our courts”i WANT TO SMOKE WHAT YOU ARE SMOKING jIM as you sound like you are either COMPLETELY IGNORANT or fkn stoned.You should TUNE INTO HENRY’S SHOW for some serious enlightenment and needed education as we are years past BEGGING the rapist to rape us a little easier

          1. Apple; research “Jail for Judges” and find out what I’m talking about before you make a further fool of yourself.

          2. JIM JIm jim,your talking out your ass,I was one of the first to sign up for the silly ass scam known as jail for judges back in 2001 or are you unable to grasp the content of my previous post.You need to get your head out of your ass and realize SOME OF US HAVE BEEN AT THIS FOR 20FKN YEARS. as stated in my second reply to your sillyness you are either ignorant or stoned.and thats all I have to say about this waste of time failed JFJ send me your 10$ scam

  3. Alfred Adask fought the state of Texas, where the definition of a person is
    ‘Man or other animals’. Nope, we are way past talking time when the ‘chosen ones’ consider us as so much ‘cattle’.

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