Lawsuit shows Japanese oppose toxic water dumping


About 150 Japanese fishers filed a lawsuit in the Fukushima District Court on Friday, seeking a court order halting the discharge of the radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant, because it was threatening their livelihoods by contaminating the marine ecosystem. The defendants in the case are the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company.

This marks the first legal action in Japan against the dumping of the nuclear-contaminated water into the sea. It comes after a civic group wrote to Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, demanding that he stop the water discharge.

The lawsuit reflects the deep concerns of Japanese society over the consequences to be caused by the move.

Paradoxically, the Japanese government, which is a defendant in the case, earlier acted as “plaintiff” and filed a complaint against China with the World Trade Organization, seeking the withdrawal of the import restrictions China had imposed on Japanese aquatic products.

But according to the Food Safety Law of China, imports of food products should be suspended or stopped if there is evidence to show they may harm human health. And according to WTO rules, member countries have the right to take necessary measures to protect human, animal and plant life and health.

The suspension of seafood imports from Japan is justified no matter what Japan does to prove it otherwise. Japan has been trying to portray itself as a “victim” by filing the complaint against China. A few days ago, the Japanese government, apart from providing an 80 billion yen ($54 million) special fisheries subsidy fund, allocated an additional 20.7 billion yen for “dealing with China”, blaming China for the losses of Japanese seafood exporters.

But the Japanese government and TEPCO are the real culprits. And the Japanese people have demonstrated that by filing the lawsuit in the Fukushima court.


2 thoughts on “Lawsuit shows Japanese oppose toxic water dumping

  1. Japan playin’ the victim. Ha, who’s that sound like? The good people of Japan have done much to protect their culture and good for them, but like so many other countries they have been betrayed by their ‘government,’ and nowhere more horrendously than with the Fukushima disaster. I’m glad they are fighting back and hope they kick TEPCO’s a** and cleanse (fight to the finish) their ‘government.’ I always thought of Japan as a US colony and we all know to whom the US is somewhat of a colony. So again we come full circle.

    Beyond all the corruption, what we have on our hands is what some are calling “the crime of the century.” Fukushima. It’s first two syllables seem to say FkYou. That the addressing and remedying of this disaster have not been prioritized by the so-called ‘global leaders’ is proof that they only think of themselves, and they want us dead. But they ain’t beyond getting radiated (head scratch). Well, like the people of Japan are starting to do, we have to move them out of the way.

    But it’s so very big, the frikkin’ problem. What can good humans do? Where are the ethical scientists who can take the reins and stop this anti-life disaster? Come forth now or forever have TRAITOR written on the report card of your soul.


  2. Bad news unfortunately.
    Do your own research, make up your own mind.
    We’ve been lied to.
    They have been dumping the water for a long time.
    Makes me extremely angry.
    Dana Durnford
    Japan has Already Dumped Fukushima Tanks Into Pacific Ocean – WAKE-UP !! Jan 5th 2023 2hrs 31mins
    I don’t have YouTube but if you check out his channel there are probably more concise versions.
    Watch it while it’s still available


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