Let Them Eat Shit

Golden Geese News – by Neil Schnurr

George W. Bush, never looked so good, Bill Clinton, never looked so good, and now, Jimmy (and Rosalynn) Carter, never looked so good.

Today, America is going through some bad times, with a bad president.  It’s not like we haven’t been through this before.  We had the late ‘70’s and we had Carter, but things were no where near as bad in the late ‘70’s as they are today.  The $17 trillion national debt alone, makes the previous sentence undeniably true, but in addition to that, today we have Obama.  

Up until recently, say January of 2009, many people said (and correctly so) that Carter was the worst president we ever had, but there’s one thing one thing that I can say about Carter.  I think that he didn’t want to appear that he didn’t care about what the people were going through.

In 1977 Carter ordered that the thermostat at the White House be turned down to 65 degrees.  Many people gave him grief for this, saying that it was a silly symbolic gesture that didn’t do actually do anything to help alleviate the energy crisis we were experiencing back then.  Maybe that was true, but it at least he was trying to appear that he wasn’t going to exempt himself from what he expected from everyone else.  Below is a video of Carter from back then.  Watch it, and you notice several things that indicate that Carter was a better president than Obama, most notably, that he understood that  a president is obligated to work with congress.

Then there was his wife, Rosalynn.  She too, at least tried to act like she wasn’t better than the average American.  She actually wore the same dress, several times, which netted her more than her share of grief.

Now, compare that to the Obama’s, as you read this from The Conservative Wife. Pay particular attention to the part I highlighted in yellow. Remember, these are the same people telling you to get rid of your cell phone and cable to pay for your Obamacare coverage. Meanwhile, THEY’RE NOT GIVING UP ANYTHING.

The Conservative Wife

Why Are We Supporting Obama’s Mother In Law?

I understand the rule…leave the President’s family alone when commenting about how poorly he is doing at his job. The same applies to candidates for whatever position they are seeking. I get it and have left Obama’s kids alone. However, I have some serious problems with his mother-in-law. She seems to be everywhere and I am left with increasing frustration as to why tax payers are forced to support this hag.

Hag, you say? (gasp) Yes! Hag! First of all, she moved into the WhiteHouse back in 2009 when the Obama’s first defiled the once great and historical site located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. She goes on “vacation” with Mooch and attends most if not all of the little events these people carry on over.

Marian Shields Robinson, dubbed the “First Granny” has been stinking up the place since she arrived and now, over in China on another vacay, she is barking orders at staff acting like she is some sort of queen. Who gave her permission to jet around the globe, dine on the finest meals and be waited on hand and foot? Not the American people paying the bill, I assure you.


Golden Geese:

Allow me to interject, Isn’t this theft?


Do you know how much the British paid for extras to the royal family in 2012? $57.8 million. Now that seems like a huge number and it is to be certain, but think about how much Americans have spent on the Obama’s in 2012. How about a whopping 2 BILLION!Are you serious? In a year, I usually don’t have an extra $2,000 to spend on a nice vacation much less 2 Billion. And you can bet that old granny is right there with her vacuum hose sucking up any and everything she can.

I can’t wait for these people to be gone. I am so sickened and disgusted by their attitude and total disregard for America. This country has given them everything they have yet they hate it so much that they feel an overwhelming urge to destroy it. Cancer. They are nothing but a cancer growing on the ass of America. No, more like a hemorrhoid. Know how to remove a hemorrhoid? You cut it off! Time for surgery America!


11 thoughts on “Let Them Eat Shit

    1. Let me the first- well maybe the first 🙄 – to welcome you The Conservative Wife and Neil Schnurr of The Golden Geese.
      Yes this is – IMOHO – the best site out there for what we here are about at From The Trenches World Report.
      I am just a long term poster here at FTTWR but I have never been tired of this site nore has The Trenches has never been boreing and I am sure your articles will be good as always.
      Yes I like Golden Geese and the Conservative Wife. 🙂
      and I hope to see some articles here as the one I posted.
      I am glad to see that your article was posted.
      Bro and; Sisters that we are; diggerdan 😉

  1. Remember O – sleazebag’s first order of business when he moved in to the White House? Build a basketball court. Seriously.

  2. Another thing about Carters: they had their daughter actually attend public school for a year or so instead of some elite private school…now I know public schools suck (I taught in them and homeschooled my kids), but at least the Carters didn’t act all elitist like Obama does. I generally don’t give a damned about First Ladies but Michelle Obama is beyond an O-bomination…much, much worse than Marie Antoinette. But maybe she does use “reparations” as an excuse…

  3. Can anyone confirm some rumors that I heard back in 2009 if my memory serves me correctly, that Grandmother Obama was into witchcraft or voodoo? The only sites that I have read it on were highly questionable and AJ also reported it to be true, but who knows. I most certainly don’t want to sound like or bring “conspiracy theory” to this website. 🙂

    Also, what the heck is going on with Moochelle’s mother living in the WH? She moved in to help raise the girls? What! Mrs. 0 has all kinds of “staff” to take care of her every whim, but her mother has to come in to help raise the girls? Nothing wrong with that picture.

    Welcome to the trenches The Conservative Wife

    1. Thanks Deb… This is actually something I was researching when I did my post about her. Couldn’t find anything concrete and I refused to quote the glowing attribute that is associated with all stories about it. I’m still digging around though as it wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

    2. I read something to that effect also, a few years back, Deb.

      And welcome to the best patriot/truther site around, The Conservative Wife. No better place to post.

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