5 thoughts on “Leuren Moret: USA, UK Monarchy behind Fukushima radiation genocide

  1. Wow. Thank you, Cathleen, for this excellent post.

    This illustrates once again how important it is to grow your own food as much as possible.

    I can’t remember the heading of the original article or its author, but it was about the problems of some Hawaiian vegetable farmers (I don’t remember which island) suffering from sharply decreased production due to soil contamination from aerosolized chemtrail poisons, requiring that they start farming with quasi-greenhouses to protect the soil from the crap falling from the sky. It was demonstrated that vegetable production could be brought up nearly to what it was previously with protective greenhouses. A good lesson for what we need to do currently for survival.

    Now what we need is an economical method to purify water from radioactive contaminants by reverse osmosis.

  2. Moret is dis info ! All evidence points toward israel, who planted the
    bombs at the reactor because Japan was going to help Iran with
    their nuclear program. U.S helped, naturally. “Two peas in a pod”
    She knows WHO is really responsible.

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