Machines must replace NSA system administrators: Agency chief

Army Gen. Keith Alexander, commander of U.S. Cyber Command, director of the National Security Agency and chief of the Central Security Service.Press TV

National Security Agency director says the agency has found a solution to prevent future Snowdens from disclosing classified information by replacing its system administrators with machines.

Speaking at a cyber security conference, Gen. Keith B. Alexander said intelligence agencies are going to reduce 90 percent of system administrators. Edward Snowden leaked top secret US intelligence when he was an NSA contractor system administrator, according to the Huffington Post .   

“We’ve put people in the loop of transferring data, securing networks and doing things that machines are probably better at doing,” Alexander said during a large panel discussion with the heads of the FBI and CIA.

There are currently about 1,000 system administrators working for the NSA directly or indirectly, Alexander had previously said.

Alexander said, “The intent of what we’re now doing is to come up with ways that limit what people can take, what data they have and how we monitor that.”

Alexander also mentioned that to prevent possible leaks the “two-man rule” is being followed in intelligence agencies. It means that when accessing sensitive information, administrators need to have someone with them.

Not mentioning Snowden’s name, Alexander continued that new technology called a “thin virtual cloud structure” would replace employees, relieveing the agency of having to trust people with protecting sensitive government secrets.

Snowden had acknowledged the huge access he had to top secrets.

“When you’re in positions of privileged access, like a systems administrator for the sort of intelligence community agencies, you’re exposed to a lot more information on a broader scale than the average employee. And because of that you see things that may be disturbing, but over the course of a normal person’s career you’d only see one or two of these instances.”

There have been numerous political rallies in support of Snowden. Some have compared Snowden to Bradley Manning, another “whistleblower” who is currently facing a possibility of 90 years in prison for exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq.


5 thoughts on “Machines must replace NSA system administrators: Agency chief

  1. NSA’s wet dream is to have “machines” running the entire show (which means no oversight what so ever, people like Snowden) and the whole system is run by the 7 Central Bank CEO’s making decisions over our entire country and the world on spying, and of course plausible deniability for everything.

  2. Something definitely does not pass the smell test here. Systems and Network Administrators generally take care of systems while analysts handle data. It looks as if they have a great many network administrators going through a lot of data rather than securing networks. If such is the case, he is trying to tell Geek lies to a room full of Geeks? Not the brightest bulb in thew box for a cyber spy is he? Or does he just live under the mistaken impression that all geeks are stupid and will blindly follow orders?

  3. if you read the books and phrases of the globalists, this was planned long ago. Get rid of people/humanity and replace them with machines…Alternate plan: integrate with machines, such as that star trek show, with “the borg”

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