Magazine Warns Dog Owners to be Cautious Around “Law Enforcers”

puppycide-police-employee-kills-dog-copblockCop Block

If you’re a reader of, or if you are stay attune to issues related to police employee accountability, you’re likely very aware of the frequent, unnecessary, lethal force employed by some badge-wearing men and women against puppies and dogs, almost always accompanied by zero accountability, which some have likened to puppycide,

Concern about the slaughter of our four-legged companions has caused some active with Cop Block to start K9 Cop Block, and motivated many thinkers, writers and pundits to weigh-in, including Bill Buppert, with Badged Serial Killers: The Growing Murder Culture of Cops: Dogs and Other Animals. and Radley Balko, who’s covered the issue extensively, to work to inform people not previously aware of, or concerned about, the institutionalized violence inherent within the police apparatus.  


Awareness of puppycide is growing too among those who’ve never been involved in the broad police accountability movement – case in point – “Officers Shooting Dogs” by Pat Miller published to Dogs Naturally Magazine, an outlet that defines its objectives as:

Dogs Naturally Magazine is like no other publication. We’re not only the most complete source of natural health care for dogs, but a large community of caring vets, breeders, trainers and dog owners who want to bring out the best in our dogs.

Though written in early 2011, the prose remains as relevant as ever.

Officers Shooting Dogs

Terrible as the wanton taking of our family members is, it is excellent to know that more outlets are broaching this issue. It is only through such discourse that real change will occur.

That said, such instances won’t cease through the formation of groups like Protecting Enforcement and Canines Through Education, but only through the dissolvement of the coercive institution of the police apparatus itself, which is built on a double-standard and claims of immunity of actions for its actors.


4 thoughts on “Magazine Warns Dog Owners to be Cautious Around “Law Enforcers”

  1. The magazine should also warn it’s readers that cops are killing people with impunity too.

    They’re proving everyday that they’re just a gang of sadistic punks that will hurt or kill anything or anyone they can. What’s most disturbing is that the behavior is encouraged by their superiors, and police department hiring polices indicate that the capacity for sadistic, and remorseless brutality is exactly what they’re looking for in their recruits.

    This can only result in people defending themselves from “law enforcement” officers that are above the law by whatever means are available to them. They’ll beat a percentage of the population into submission as they’re obviously being told to do, but when cops get their heads blown off don’t shed any tears for them. They undoubtedly deserved it.

    1. “The magazine should also warn it’s readers that cops are killing people with impunity too.”

      Exactly! Maybe they should warn cops of the harsh retribution that may happen to them by dog owners if they shoot their dogs. Maybe they should even educate cops on how to act around dogs, instead of the other way around.

  2. I’ll go one better:

    Be MORE than cautious…

    Be well-armed, and ready for self-preservation.

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