Magpul offers super hi-capacity magazines for sale ahead of state ban

The Daily Caller – by Greg Campbell

With just two weeks to go before sales of high capacity magazines will be illegal in Colorado, Magpul Industries released a 40-round version of its popular PMAG magazine, offering a limited supply to Colorado customers hoping to beat the deadline.  

“[T]he PMAG 40 provides 10 more rounds of capacity before requiring a reload — which could be a lifesaving difference,” the company wrote on its Facebook page. “This new ‘safe capacity’ offering is ideally suited for those who may need to respond to multiple threats without extra rifle magazines carried on their person, or for military members looking for an extra margin of safety in high-tempo operations.”

In the comments section, Magpul, which is located in Boulder County, reiterated its intention to move out of Colorado in response to several new gun control laws, including the ban on magazines that hold more than 15 rounds. The new laws go into effect on July 1.

“[W]e are leaving,” the company wrote, “working on some final negotiations now before we can announce the first of the new locations!”

The company notes that the 40-round magazine wasn’t developed in response to the new law, but has been in development since 2010.

The new law makes it illegal to buy, sell or possess magazines that can hold more than 15 rounds, or which can be readily converted to hold more. People who own the newly outlawed magazines before July 1 can keep them.

The magazine ban and a new law requiring universal background checks are the subject of a lawsuit being led by most of Colorado’s elected county sheriffs.

The new laws have also been the impetus for two efforts to recall Democratic state senators and calls for hunters to boycott the state. They’ve are among the reasons several eastern counties are hoping to secede and form their own state.

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2 thoughts on “Magpul offers super hi-capacity magazines for sale ahead of state ban

  1. “People who own the newly outlawed magazines before July 1 can keep them.”

    Haha!! Ahh….to be young and naive. As if the government is going to just let them keep their firearms beecause they bought them before their July 1 deadline.

    They will just say, “We caught this guy holding a high capacity weapon that is illegal, but we are not sure (as he rips the evidence of the receipt) if it was bought before the July 1 deadline. Oh well, we will assume it wasn’t and just send it to be destroyed. The person will be arrested and sent to prison for illegally possessing a firearm in the state of Colorado. Any questions? Good!”.

    When will the sheeple learn……..

  2. Or better yet, the Zionist media propaganda story:

    “Although the person purchased the gun well-before the July 1 deadline, Colorado has strict gun control laws and possessing any kind of high capacity firearms is illegal with zero tolerance due to mass gun violence that have hit the state, especially after the Aurora, Colorado theater incident just over a year ago in which a college student went in and massacred dozens of people while watching the newly released Batman movie at the time. In any case, the police are taking possession of his gun and arresting him for possession of a high capacity firearm in yet another victory for gun control activists and government officials who are trying to crack down on gun violence within the state.”

    Hmmm….Maybe I should get paid for writing for the MSM? NAH!!!

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