Make No Mistake: “Everyone Who Is Warning About Clinton Is A Target and They Are Marked”

SHTF Plan – by Jeremiah Johnson

The Obama Administration has been characterized by not only a lack of transparency on issues that surface, but a deliberate obfuscation to mask true actions and intentions.  There are literally no limits to what the man and his handlers will do outside of the law to attain their ends, while simultaneously “crafting” legislation to enslave the citizenry.  The fawning, lying press trumpets his victories and quietly spins his defeats: objectivity cannot be maintained by journalists on the government payroll and command.  

Hence a sitting American president, a man who should have been hauled off of a stage in 2012 and clapped in irons for treason is able to do whatever he wants.  Remember?

“Tell Vladimir I’ll have more leeway after the election.”

Now the Congress and the State Department labeled Iran both a “rogue state that supports terrorism” and “a supporter of Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda.”  So my question is where did Obama secure the necessary Congressional approval to airlift $400 million to Iran on January 17, 2016?  More: Since this was Obama’s move, did he not use his position unilaterally and without any Congressional approval to provide funding to a nation that supports (and conducts direct action missions to complement) terrorist activities?  And this is with Iran, that vows to strike the U.S.?

Just as in the same vein, how can we join Russia in a bombing campaign of “boogeyman” ISIL/ISIS when we, the U.S., created it?

Just as in the same vein, how can we send a QRF (Quick Reaction Force) of our military’s finest commandos to stop the slaughter of an American ambassador and his staff in Libya…when we approved of and enabled it?

The “administration,” if you prefer that ludicrous term to the true state, the “regime,” is made of Teflon…nothing can touch it.  Fast and Furious proved it.  Hillary’s e-mails proved it.  The cashiering of half of the admiralty and general staff of the United States Armed Forces proved it.  The removal of TARS, of the scrambling of fighters, the scrapping of the A-10 Warthog, the cessation of Tomahawk production…all of these measures prove it.  Obamacare steamrolling through the (at the time) Democrat-controlled Congress…enabled by Senator Olympia Snow (R, Maine) proved it.  The hearings and the deciding vote.

Nothing can stop the administration.  Nothing.  And nothing will be able to stop the next one.

Does everyone really think that Trump will be elected?  Really?  Throughout the past two weeks, he has literally run on “self-destruct” and must have a lobotomized campaign manager.  Haven’t we seen this before, when Romney won the first debate and made a fool out of Obama, and then turned into a neutered eunuch for the next debates?

Do not be fooled: it is all intentional.

There is no such thing as an election, only a controlled paradigm shift with a force-fed theatrical playbill that the dumbed-down public gobbles up.  The two “camps” of Democrat and Republican, and the illusion of a colossal battle, a political “Clash of the Titans” between conservatism and socialism drawing the focus and attention of the people away from surrounding events nationally and in the world.

Look at Hanna, the alleged Republican…the first of the jackasses to come out and support Hillary Clinton.  Look at the moneyed interests pooling behind her: Meg Whitman, Warren Buffet, and the invisible but ever-present incubus of George Soros, the man who destroys countries for a hobby and a price.  Look at Hillary, the “good wife,” the “good mother,” the “good 501-C-3” member with a billion dollar “kitty” in the Clinton Foundation and three Delaware shell corporations to hide her loot.  The “good speaker,” snagging $50 – 200 K dollars per speech.

The good fundraiser who raised $90 million dollars in the month of July alone.

By her campaign slogan… “I’m with Her” by those very words are such notables as James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Houma Abedin, Debbie Wassermann-Schultz…all of them…complicit with her in the crimes she has committed.  She would provoke a nuclear war with Russia in order to prevent those e-mails from coming to light.

Her “candidacy” is a degradation and an abasement, not only of the American Justice system, but of the entire Constitution of the United States and the freedom of every citizen.  Those who are “with her” don’t even realize they’ll be the first ones in the gristmill when the time arrives.  That time is almost here.  It’s all been smoke and mirrors, but soon there won’t need to be.  The obfuscations and treacherous maneuvers are masked but in a short time they’ll all be completely unveiled.

The 2nd Amendment will be completely destroyed and/or nullified.  The face of this entire country is going to change, and akin to most bad things, it’ll have to happen before people realize it and take action.

Everybody who criticizes the incoming dictator is marked, make no mistake about it.  We still have a little bit of time, but not much, and effects generated need to have substance, not form.  No juvenile displays of occupying a shed/storage room/visitor center in a National Park or Forest.  No standoffs with a disbandment and then everyone is arrested individually.  The torch is being passed.  Everyone who is criticizing Obama and warning about Clinton is a target and they aremarked, along with countless others of the 325 million of us.

If Hillary Clinton takes the presidency, it is the end of the United States.

Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne).  Mr. Johnson is also a Gunsmith, a Certified Master Herbalist, a Montana Master Food Preserver, and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape).  He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. You can follow Jeremiah’s regular writings at or contact him here.


14 thoughts on “Make No Mistake: “Everyone Who Is Warning About Clinton Is A Target and They Are Marked”

  1. “Does everyone really think that Trump will be elected? Really? Throughout the past two weeks, he has literally run on “self-destruct” and must have a lobotomized campaign manager. Haven’t we seen this before, when Romney won the first debate and made a fool out of Obama, and then turned into a neutered eunuch for the next debates?”

    Yes, we have seen it before and it is tantamount to throwing a fight. Yes, it is completely intentional. They ALL know the desired outcome but legitimacy must be created, otherwise the sheeple will be forced to admit it is a total fraud.

    Itchy trigger fingers of the delusional hopeful and those that will make up any excuse to accept the only solution get scratched for another four years.

    One last thing…What the hell is wrong with people who are able to make such well thought out points, yet STILL focus on the obummer regime as being the “one” responsible for our misery? The noses of anyone believing it’s not every single last f’g one of them for over a century have betrayed them should violently be rubbed into the stink of the dogshit they are producing and supporting!!! For starters, anyway.

  2. “So my question is where did Obama secure the necessary Congressional approval to airlift $400 million to Iran on January 17, 2016?”

    I have a better question: since that 400 million was already OWED to Iran (for decades now), where the hell is the INTEREST accrued on that mammon???

    “Does everyone really think that Trump will be elected? Really?”


    ‘Hope & (Chump) Change’ still works on the brain-dead ‘programmed’ sheeple.

    Madam president.

  3. I’ll tell you what…when Hilary or whoever takes out Mike “Hilary is the anti-Christ” Rivero, of WhatReallyHappened, who spends roughly 23 hours a day blaming Hilary for everything from hailstorms to rigged elections to Tom Brady’s four-game suspension by the NFL to Kanye West selling his “soul to the devil” to every damned war on Earth to autism to Common Core to the common cold, then I’ll believe what this author is selling! (Since, of course, Rivero takes credit for every single truth about Hilary anywhere over the Internet!)

    1. HAHA! I just checked out rivero’s disinfo site and he claims “killary’s people” has his server under attack. That sephardic shill sure spins a yarn. It’s in the genes!

  4. “If Hillary Clinton takes the presidency, it is the end of the United States.”

    As if Trump will be any better?

    I hope the bitch gets selected. Then maybe we can finally get this show started instead of sitting around waiting. It’s agonizing.

  5. Hillary’s just like my bitch dog. She squats and pisses where ever she damned well pleases. So, what is that urine smell, Depends? I have changed my mind. I now do believe Hillary is an alien from outer space suffering from fecal and urinary incontinence! 😆

    1. Consider that the fecal and urinary incontinence is the populating of her people on our planet, and that the alien bodily refuse is the part walking around running for Communist-In-Chief.

      Seems fitting, somehow.

  6. Make no mistake, no matter who wins we are all marked targets!
    ” Five to one baby, one in five, no one here gets out alive…” JM.

    1. Let’s talk lifespan. 100%, no one gets out alive. Only question is, what are you going to leave behind for your grandchildren?

      1. On Average:
        I would say compliance to less civil Rights, Greater Debt, less world Status, and a lot of dead people

        What was part of V’s quote again:

        “…And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well, certainly, there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be? War, terror, disease. They were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic…”

        On the good side I would have to say, israel has not had a better bitch and will never get a better bitch then the USA. Then again, they almost are at the point to claim their own pedestal on the world stage, and everyone will be their bitch.

  7. “Now the Congress and the State Department labeled Iran both a “rogue state that supports terrorism” and “a supporter of Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda.””

    Now we can’t have it both ways now, all know they (Them Officials.) are owned by owners they almost have to swear oaths to, and represent their geopolitical goals over American Goals. AIPAC all the way. Truly what has israel ever done for the US Citizens except squeezing them for money?

    Not to forget that the US is arming the terrorists….
    (Explainable under: “If we can fight them there [We’re not!, we are supporting them and encouraging them to join our Emmanual Goldstein!], they will be to busy to come here (Baby Bush.) and we represent our masters goals best if they attack the secular regimes/non fiat bank countries/countries that actually could resist israel in that region and weaken them to the point that they can’t resist a land claim by israel in its goal to create Eretz Israel.)

  8. Warning Will Robison…!
    You are marked as a non Billary supporter.
    Dr. Smith is the guberment enemy operative.
    Run young Will Robison….run….!
    There’s a fazer behind the front airlock.

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