Man Burns Down House Trying To Kill Spider With Homemade Flamethrower

Stock Photo: Getty ImagesHuffington Post – by Andres Jauregui

He’s just an ordinary guy, burning down the house.

Fire officials said a West Seattle man on a quixotic quest to rid his home of a vile spider ended up torching his abode on Tuesday evening.

The man told firefighters that he saw a spider in his laundry room and decided the best way to take care of it was with a lighter and a can of spray paint. He set his wall on fire, then the blaze quickly spread.  

KOMO reports:

The building, which is a rental home, will cost roughly $40,000 to repair… It will cost another $20,000 to repair or replace the contents of the home.

The Red Cross is finding temporary housing for the man and a woman who lived with him.

This isn’t the first incident involvingspiders, open flames and incredibly poor judgment. Back in June, a Kansas woman set fire to her house in pursuit of a wily arachnid.

She told authorities that she used a lighter to ignite some towels in the hopes of killing a spider.

In 2012, a California man set fire to his home while attempting to clear cobwebs with a blowtorch.

8 thoughts on “Man Burns Down House Trying To Kill Spider With Homemade Flamethrower

    1. ….but still….

      a newspaper?

      Laura HATES spiders, but if she were to do anything THAT crazy, I think Henry would have her committed. 😆

  1. what a d1ckhead!

    if you need to kill a spider you cant reach, throw a cup of boiling water over it.
    it works every time!!!


    Oh man, I read this title and burst out laughing. He should use his homemade flamethrower to burn the real spiders in DC.

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