Maybe They Will Let Ron Paul be President of Egypt

A CNN reporter stated yesterday that the GOP primary is in the past, indicating that all those who have just voted in Texas did not count.  Of course she said that Romney would naturally win Texas…..although Dr. Ron Paul has served as a Congressman for that state for some 30 years, being elected over and over again.

We have seen our election process turn into a literal media dictatorship.  They construct so called opinion polls through selective questioning of a handful of selected individuals and then report this fraud as fact.  Those who control the parties then simply have a few select individuals lie as to the vote count, and as their lie matches the fraudulent opinion polls, well what exactly are we bitching about?

If the fraud we have seen in the GOP primaries was occurring in Russia the talking heads on the stupid tube would be calling for outside observers to brought in.  If the media declares this GOP election as over using their own distorted calculation of the delegates, are we just going to accept it?  Of course the GOP establishment will step up to affirm the affirmation of their fraud, and is that it?

I not only say no, but I say hell, no.

There has been a lot to do in the mainstream over Egypt’s elections and it is being reported as an outrage that their people are being forced to choose between two candidates they do not want.  One is the Vice-Dictator to their last Dictator; the other is a Muslim extremist from the Muslim Brotherhood.  The Egyptian people want neither but are being told that this is their only choice.  The mainstream media in the United States is calling the situation an outrage and sympathizing with the Egyptian people, saying that a choice between the lesser of the two evils is still choosing evil.

The very exact same thing is going on right here in the United States, 110% corruption, front and center and in our faces for all to see, but no reporting.  Why?  Because the propaganda machine is a part of the fraud.  And I’ll just bet you that the Egyptian press is nothing more than another propaganda machine.

Do you suppose the Egyptians might have their own Ron Paul, that the majority of their people want, who is not being allowed as a choice by their corrupt status quo power elite, that we don’t know about because their press is not reporting on him?

This whole thing would be funny if people weren’t dying as a result of this insanity.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

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