Melbourne Police Salivate: We will smash your windows, we will arrest you, we will detain you.

Aug 3, 2020
Katie Hopkins on the massive power grab by the police in Australia – clearly enjoying their new powers. watch this mans facial tic as he salivates at his own power

12 thoughts on “Melbourne Police Salivate: We will smash your windows, we will arrest you, we will detain you.

    1. Some quotes I recently came across:

      “I am more resolute because all have denied me, more resolute than I could ever have been had all accepted me. I heed not, and have never heeded majorities, or ridicule. And the threat of what is called hell is little or nothing to me.”
      — Author Kenneth Patchen

      “Specifically they (Antifa) object to statements like, ‘I may disagree with what you have to say, but I would give my life to defend it.’ They reject that. They believe that free speech itself is a tool of oppression.”
      — Professor Jonathan Turley

      “This corona ‘crisis’ is not about health; it is about control. It is about the abolishment of a free society and the introduction of an enslaved society. The planners of this attack counted on Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx and their accomplices in government and the media to instill sufficient fear into the hearts of the American people so as to cause them to give up essential Liberty in order to stay safe. … The so-called new normal is nothing more than the old totalitarianism.”
      — Pastor Chuck Baldwin

      “The most common symptom of Covid-19 is that you feel just fine.”
      — Journalist Peter Hitchens

      Let that last one sink in.


  1. And we will shoot back, you dont talk to us like that bitch. Fkg kiss the kings ass.. Kangaroo eaters…

  2. Black-uniformed THUG showing its true colours! While there’s a LOT of sheeple in Australia there’s also a LOT of fkn hard men too who value freedom & guaranteed there’s a ton of weapons “off the books” that will be used against these out-of-control PIGS when they take a step in the wrong direction! It’s getting to a time now where I’m hearing many otherwise mild-mannered “ordinary” people who very recently would’ve supported the police starting to say they will no longer be feeling sorry for these PIGS “when” they get taken out. Lower level cops all over the world, especially those with children, better decide which side they’re going to be on VERY soon – the free people who just want a good life who don’t wish to harm anyone else or the tyrants who want to destroy our lives & that of every generation from here on.

    1. Thank you, Mal. I, too, sense there are many Aussies who are fightin’ Aussies, who want to live free and will take only so much. The line in the sand keeps gettin’ closer. I think people all over the world are infecting each other with instinctual bravery, decidedly, as the tyranny grows more repugnant.


      1. Yes galen, and what you have to remember is that Australia (and to a lesser extent New Zealand) was a penal colony meaning it was built on the backs of “prisoners” ( or more correctly white slaves) who were sent there for heinous crimes like stealing a loaf of bread because they were starving while their “masters” dined on monkey brains, and most likely the brains of some 2 year old child that they just raped to death! There’s a lot of Irish & English blood there that is from the same stock as those who initially went to the Americas to escape the king’s tyranny in the home country or were also sent to the “New World” as “indentured servants” (slaves) before any black slaves even set foot on the land. While it’s been watered down a bit over the years I just know there’ll still be many there who won’t take this sh*t lying down based on both the history & the fact that they are genuinely hard bastards who hate tyrants!

        I’ve shown this particular video to numerous friends now & said “Look at the uniform, listen to the words & watch the guy’s face as speaks about “sovereign persons”! Is that not right in your face now?!!!”. People ARE seeing it now. Some won’t or even can’t (elderly, etc) do anything about it but they KNOW it’s wrong on so many levels! Spread this one as much as possible to as many “normies” as possible. It’s quite an eye opener!

        1. If the Aussies are going to fight, this would be a good place to start.
          This little punk needs to be impaled with a mask on him and a sign hanging around his neck with Traitor written on it. They are making no bones about the fact that they believe they are going to punk your people.
          I cannot believe, that considering all the violence in the city of New York here in this country, their check points have been left unmolested. More run-fu I suppose.
          Just a little advise to the New Yorkers. If you are going to buy a gun buy something small and light, like a .22. You can run so much faster away from your enemy, and if they start closing in you can always drop it and you are not throwing away so much money.

  3. He is right about one thing, there are consequences for one’s actions. These gestapo thug storm trooper bastards will learn this the hard way.

  4. “Classify themselves as sovereign citizens, whatever that might mean.”

    Crikey! That guy is truly the kind of dumbass stooge that the elites are looking for.

  5. There’s a lot of vacant land in the center of that island for shit to come up missing

    It’s like the lottery of farmer speak ,of 20 acres and a tractor
    Wink wink

    1. That “island” is the size of a continent! The vacant land makes up the VAST majority of the land mass with any significant populations mostly living in a thin little ring around the edge mostly on the east coast. While the majority of the population lives in cities many of those who live in the “outback” are still pretty hardcore with a family history in Australia that is not too unlike what the “Wild West” was in the US 😉

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