Money Is Not Safe In The Big Banks

Published on Aug 24, 2013 by publicbankingtv

People think that money is safe in the big banks because the FDIC will protect the deposits. This assumption is not based on the facts. This video will show official government documents that describe the plans for confiscating deposits when, (not if) a big bank fails. Individual, as well as public funds from municipal, university, county deposits are at serious risk. YOUR taxpayer money will disappear in the next crisis! Public officials in charge of taxpayer funds need to be aware of the dangers here. The loss of taxpayer funds and the inability to meet payrolls and obligations will certainly prompt a response that will both immediate and forceful.

This video may be useful to present to public officials to inform them of the dangers of losing public funds under their care.

One thought on “Money Is Not Safe In The Big Banks

  1. Anyone who still has money in the bank is having a hard time steering themselves around the learning curve, and it makes me wonder if anyone actually does have money in the bank.

    They may be just juggling cyber-digits and doling out fresh counterfeits to their customers to keep the illusion of a functioning economy alive. The long-awaited “bank run” may already have happened over time, and any real bank deposits are coming from a dwindling number of customers who still believe the TV’s reports of “economic recovery”.

    There’s a financial black hole of debt that can never be paid, and if you consider that “fractional reserve banking” means that only 10% of the money ever really existed in the first place, I don’t see how any of them can have any money left at all.

    Our money is created as debt, and since no one’s borrowing (or lending) anymore, the house of cards that our monetary system is, MUST be collapsing now.

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