Murder Confessions and the Reality of Police Corruption

He should get the death penalty, since 2 people were executed due to his false testimony. That’s murder.

Crime, Guns, and Videotape

Phoenix, AZ—Debra Milke sat on Death Row for just a tad short of 24 years.  A corrupt and now disgraced former Phoenix cop, Armando Saldate fabricated a confession after he was unable to legitimately obtain one from Milke.

The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals investigated Saldate and found he was a serial perjurer.  Aside from Milke’s case apparently four people are doing life in prison and two were executed based on Saldate’s claims.  That court reversed Milke’s convictions and death sentence.  They also requested an investigation into the violation of Milke’s rights by cops and prosecutors.  

The Bible teaches that no man should be stoned to death on the word of a single witness.  That is wise because in our world lies roll off tongues by the second.  People lie when the same result could be obtained by telling the truth.  Lies are just too plentiful and easy to spread.  This is not about religion but common sense and simple fairness.

There are those people that for some strange reason, perhaps needing attention or excitement in their pathetic lives that confess to infamous crimes. Unfortunately that’s all that’s need to get executed.  A confession alone is not enough; there also must be an actual crime involved.  Every time there is a high profile murder and no immediate arrests are made it’s not uncommon for people to begin confessing.  Police agencies are usually desperate to show the media they have solved the crime and more than happy to make the arrest.

The mental health deviation is not always apparent and the police don’t hide undeniable facts especially the cause and manner of death.  They make it easy to obtain such confessions.  Aside from punishing the wrong person the guilty party knows they have evaded justice and can murder again with even greater confidence.

We must end the practice of convicting people on the word of a single witness at least without some really tangible physical evidence that the accuser could not possibly have faked.

We allowed Debra Milke to face an executioner based on the word of a criminal with a police badge.  We must take steps to prevent similar atrocities in the future.

3 thoughts on “Murder Confessions and the Reality of Police Corruption

  1. What really burns me is that when someone is wrongfully convicted of a crime and then found not guilty after sitting years in prison not to mention a possible bad reputation when he gets out is that he usually is never compensated – at least not that I have heard of happening much anyway – so all that time he sat was just dead time. Those convicted and then found not guilty should not only be paid one hell of a pay check the day he gets out but also be compensated very well for loss of freedom at the very least….Yea, those cops, lawyers, DA`s, judges , etc responsible for these wrongful convictions really should have their names addresses, photos, and everthing else be made openly public for the crimes they were caught doing…. I bet that if we knew all that about a dirtty/crooked cop, judge, etc. that their ways would chande in a quick hurry knowing that there is some vigalante justice waiting for them…. Us real people have got to make these scoundrels pay for their dirty deeds in whatever way possibe including – perhaps – vigalente justice.

    1. You’re absolutely right, digger. Some of them used to get compensation, but that was many years ago when not many convictions were overturned.

      There are so many innocent people in prisons now, that if they were ALL released and justly compensated, it would literally bankrupt the corporations that own and run them now.

      Wouldn’t THAT be somethin’?

      1. Yep #1. when I got out back in the early 70`s they gave us a bus ticket, one change of civilian clothes, and – I believe it was – $50.00 or else it was a $25.oo check. and that is what ya had to feed yourself and find a place to rent. Ya have something like 48 hr.s to contact your parole officer, they are supposed to help but all they do is try to set ya up again to get ya sent back to prison.

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