Murder Suspects, Sex Offenders, and MS-13 Gangster Caught at Texas Border

Breitbart- by Brandon Darby

MCALLEN, Texas—In one weekend, the U.S. Border Patrol prevented murder suspects, multiple sex offenders, and an MS-13 gang member from entering the interior of Texas after they illegally entered into the U.S. from Mexico. The arrests occurred in the Rio Grande Valley sector, ground zero of the current border crisis.

The murder suspect was caught approximately 85 miles from the border in Texas, near the town of Falfurrias. He is a Guatemalan who is wanted for alleged murder in the State of Florida.  

Another of the arrests occurred near McAllen, Texas as a man from El Salvador who crossed the porous U.S.-Mexico border was determined to be an MS-13 gang member who had previously served ten years in prison for rape.

Another man who was caught is a convicted sex offender from El Salvador. A Mexican man was also caught and determined to be wanted for second-degree murder.

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency reports that 2014 has seen more than 40 previously convicted sex offenders who have been arrested attempting to illegally enter the Rio Grande Valley sector of Texas.

Breitbart Texas previously reported that another sector in Texas has seen a 100% increase in the number of previously convicted sex offenders crossing into Texas from Mexico from the previous year.

Another recent Breitbart Texas report revealed that more than 7,000 sex offenders were deported from the State of Texas in the past three years.

An additional report from Breitbart Texas revealed that the U.S. was intending to allow a convicted rapist to simply return to Mexico after he was caught illegally entering. In that instance, the man had a long history of illegally entering the United States. He served prison time for illegal reentry during the Bush Administration years, was deported, illegally returned to the U.S. and raped a woman in Houston, served prison time, and was then deported. When he again attempted reentry, the U.S. government arrested him and then stated the intention to allow him to voluntarily return to Mexico without consequence.

Follow Brandon Darby on Twitter: @brandondarby

11 thoughts on “Murder Suspects, Sex Offenders, and MS-13 Gangster Caught at Texas Border

  1. I’d like to dig more into this Breitbart-fueled “southern border invasion”. One article there said foreigners are urged to come here, given free benefits & legal councel, recreation, etc…

    Really??? Can I see some proof of this? Where’s the video?

    1. “Can I see some proof of this? Where’s the video?”

      Are you waiting for the butler to bring you proof or do you not know how to use a search engine?

      Maybe you should just wait for the TV version.

    2. What is your agenda, Big Dan?
      Why don’t you get your sorry f#@king ass down to the Texas border and see if you can get past the state police and get your own video. Are you one of those people sent over from Infowars to try and discredit us because your sorry f#@king leader is a shill and is losing viewership more and more every day as he morphs into the mainstream?

      1. Don’t be so kind, Henry!

        Dan, you’re joking, right? Yes, there are thousands of kids, and many gang members, in McAllen and Brownsville and Weslaco and Falfurrias and Harlingen…and for all I know, Presidio, the border town in my neck of the woods…”Breitbart Fueled”? Yes, Dan, it is really happening I know for a fact. Cut the crap! Kids living in big garages (1,000 in space meant for a 100, stuff like that) getting treated for lice, scabies, chicken pox, etc…and like I said I know this for a fact.

  2. And when your family members are suffering all of the beatings and rapes usually associated with a typical home-invasion, your can listen to your stupid wife say “the TV said they were only here to pick lettuce”.

    If that’s what it takes for some people to wake up, that’s the way it will be.

  3. I live in Texas and I know this border invasion of the Lone Star State is taking place. This is all by design and quite frankly it scares me.

  4. free ticket to do as they please. then idiot white, brown American citizens, cops, etc hook up with these people. corrupt law enforcement have no one to blame but themselves for facilitating what’s happening now.

  5. Yep, they are definitely children seeking a better life with their families. I so wanna beat the shit out of someone in government right now.

  6. “the U.S. government arrested him and then stated the intention to allow him to voluntarily return to Mexico without consequence.”


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