My Picture Went Viral After Hillary Clinton’s Defeat. Here’s How I’m Channeling My Grief

Haaretz – by Jaime Nabrynski

My name is Jaime Nabrynski and you may recognize me as “the crying girl” at Hillary Clinton’s election party at New York’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. Multiple photos and videos were taken of me sobbing that night, used by media outlets all over the world the morning after the election. Since news of Donald Trump’s victory officially broke, I’ve received dozens of texts, emails and Facebook messages from devastated friends, family and strangers alike, letting me know that my tears in those photos represented what they too were feeling that night. The photos capture so much, but the words to describe those feelings we share? I don’t know if I have all of those yet.  

A bit about me: I’m a 29-year-old Caucasian female residing in Brooklyn, NY. I smoke marijuana with my parents. I’ve dated women. I’ve never had an abortion, but I’ve depended on Planned Parenthood on multiple occasions. I believe our environment is doomed. I believe every single immigrant that calls the United States home should damn well be allowed to stay here, no matter what other people of their same skin color or religion may have done.

I was at the Javits Center to celebrate not just the election of our first female president, but her progressive promises, comfortably surrounded by my fellow excited liberals. I snuck into the special upper-level section where I stood arm-in-arm with my coworkers in front of the podium where Clinton would make her acceptance speech at the end of the night. Securing that great spot beside the podium would be my last smile of the night.

It was after 11:00 P.M. EST that Trump was announced the projected winner of Iowa, among other battleground states. With Trump holding an electoral lead of 228-209 over Clinton, the mood at the Javits Center began to plummet. Though there were many hopeful people surrounding me staying positive as the race was far from technically over, something knocked the wind out of me and I erupted with tears.

It was an immediate and visceral reaction to a Trump presidency as its reality began to coagulate right before my eyes: What if I need a abortion in the future but Roe v. Wade has been overturned? What if he really bans Muslims? What if one of his biggest champions, David Duke, revitalizes the KKK? What if he pulls the trigger on those nuclear bombs?

That is pure terror in my eyes.

As it became increasingly apparent that Trump was going to become the 45th president of the United States, the faster the camera shutters were going off all around us. A network television station approached me for an interview on my opinion of the night, but it never aired: They pointed the lens on my face but I was a deer in headlights. I couldn’t form a complete sentence – I babbled, I choked. I was in shock.

It’s been several days now and I still cannot untangle and categorize the rest of the emotions I wore on my face that night:

I am sick with guilt for not seeing this coming. Did I do everything in my power to prevent this outcome? Does my power not lie in the fact that I’m a good person with an incredibly large heart and open mind? If that’s true, I certainly squandered it by being one of the many liberals comfortably dismissing the loudest of the Trump supporters as crazy bigots instead of seriously considering the silent majority.

I’ve woken up each morning since sick to my stomach after re-reading Trump’s 100-day plan. There is nothing anyone can say that would have reversed my vote.

But the only way I can continue to get out of bed is to believe that there is a difference between those desperate for a change from the broken system and those that mean “deport all of the immigrants” when they say they want to “take America back”.

At this time, I’m incredibly ashamed of this empathy I posses. But it’s also what makes me more human than anyone that voted for Trump, that I can say with delirious certainty.

Where exactly do I stand and what in God’s name are we supposed to do?

There are things that I just don’t know:

• Is America Already Great? Or was America Never Great?

• Do I pour hatred and blame on white supremacists and poor Middle America after they screwed our entire country? And can I do that while simultaneously harboring a shred of compassion for the desperate that felt no other option than to put their faith in a sexual predator/reality TV star?

• Am I supposed to be mad at Gary Johnson for stealing Hillary’s votes in Florida? Or at Hillary for not being Bernie Sanders?

• At the protest in New York I marched in on the night after the election, was I supposed to reject our democratic system and chant “Fuck The Electoral College!” or focus on rejecting Trump and his values by chanting “Fuck Your Wall!”

• Do I wait four years before bringing a child into this mess? Eight years? Or do I make sure I procreate ASAP so that he/she can grow up to be another loving member of society to combat the hatred?

And things that I do know:

• America is my home, I’m not going anywhere. Jokes aside, I hope the rest of you don’t move to Canada either. We have so much to fight for.

• I don’t know how to hate. They forgot that ingredient when they made me. I have more effective weapons in my arsenal.

• I will continue to support politicians that I believe in, and will make a more concerted effort to engage in discussion, as painful as it is, with people that I don’t agree with, instead of shutting them out.

• I will continue to protest! And to donate frequently to the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and other organizations I fiercely stand with.
Where do we go from here? I don’t know. And that’s why my face says more right now than my words ever could.

But instead of continuing to cry, I’ll make a pledge to challenge every Trump supporter I come across to answer me: Why? Why did you vote for Trump? And if you are his supporter but one that does not condone the hate and the bigotry he built his campaign on, then I beg of you, with every tear I left on the Javits Center floor, to please speak up, act up and prove that to the rest of the world.

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38 thoughts on “My Picture Went Viral After Hillary Clinton’s Defeat. Here’s How I’m Channeling My Grief

  1. Lady, you are certifiably INSANE. Please go smoke some crack, you give pot smokers a bad image with your ramblings.

    Great post, Ryan. If the commies are all like her, this will be a cake walk to clean them up and out.

    1. Words fail me that there really are people this stupid out there. You helped sum it up; Insane.

      I’ll add:

      “Americans are the most misled, misdirected, and therefore the most gullible people on the face of the planet” ~ Alan Hart, author

  2. Listen up ziojew biatch. Since your probably a paid crisis actor stfu. Your pathetic. If your crying over a insane criminal not being “elected” your more of a pos then you give yourself Credit for. How convient your face is plastered all over prestitute Jew news and gah your writing this bs in haaretz the world Jew toilet paper. F u and everything around you. Slut. Turely yours cleatus a proud American Patriot. Get some hort.

    1. Tell me something I don’t know, buddy.

      Especially when you say, “Can you imagine what will happen when the United States government fails?”.

      Umm…..last time I check that already have.

      And if you want us to talk to all of the protesters about it. Try again. They’re all bought and paid for by George Soros and company.

      As Thomas Paine said, “To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”

      1. NC, I posted it as a barometer as to what’s going on as compared to our beloved controlled media, and not for his words on goberment failure(as we already know this).
        The man deals with a lot of folks across the country, many stepping out from grid control, and away from the city the best they can. I have no reason to think he is other than a good man. Just so ya know.


  4. The elite are really trying to distract us and get this “US vs THEM” game going so we don’t have to focus on exterminating their asses. That’s why they choose Trump.

    If Hitlery was selected, the war would have been focused on them. So they needed a puppet to redirect everyone’s anger so that it’s on each other, rather than on them.

    If people don’t start realizing this and focus on the exterminating the source, then the elite will get their Civil War and will win.


    1. Excellent points, and they are very apparent as Obama or Hillary have not, as far as I know, come out and said a thing about the protests or death threats on Trump.

      Everybody, stay alert as always and then some.

        1. Hmmmm. I put nothing past the devils that run things!

          Although, I’m sort of thinking assassination is archaic only in the sense that it would be so obvious especially in this climate, yet not to say they would not try this.

          Obama, the last president, hard to swallow the possibility of this one.
          What do you think?

          1. Oh yeah, agree!

            AJ has this to say and keep in mind Trump called him personally to thank him for all the support from his listeners. I wonder if the little bird was Trump.

            “A little bird told me if they think they’re gonna start a war or finance too many riots on the street or try to burn Washington or something, then we’re just gong to encamp the US army and Marines around the white house and somebody’s going to sit in a bunker and sign the executive orders….

            link to Trump called AJ-

            link to AJ talking about what little bird told him- START LISTENING AT 11:35

          2. “A little bird told me if they think they’re gonna start a war or finance too many riots on the street or try to burn Washington or something, then we’re just gong to encamp the US army and Marines around the white house and somebody’s going to sit in a bunker and sign the executive orders….”

            Well that SOB can sign all of the executive orders he wants and he can hide himself behind an army and a bunch of Marines like the Hitler that he is, but that won’t stop the REAL patriots from bringing down the REAL house with the REAL people who are responsible.

            Maybe we can burn AJ’s fat ass in the process.

            It sounds like this SOB really wants to get his police state going. It’s WWII all over again. Is he gonna have a fake assassination or do a false flag similar to Hitler so the phony sheeple patriots following him will be his guards? Who knows. But at this rate, I see an official staged civil war coming by the end of the year, followed by more Fascist wars abroad. Paid for by Soros and the elite.

            I can’t believe people are just too blind to see it. History is truly repeating itself right before our very eyes.

        2. That’s what I’ve been saying in my last couple of comments. And I didn’t even see the illuminati cards til just now.
          Although I think Trump will fake his own assassination.

  5. • I will continue to support politicians that I believe in, and will make a more concerted effort to engage in discussion, as painful as it is, with people that I don’t agree with, instead of shutting them out.

    Ok, kike-o crazy b!**#? Doublespeak is your first language.

    F chump, and the horse he rode in on, but saying you’re gonna “engage in discussion” you don’t agree with, instead of shutting them out as long as they agree with you is hypocritical.

    I hope she meets 100+ of her illegally invading friends in a back alley and realizes how dumb she is after the second acquaintance.

    Everyone above has it summed up already, but I’d be pretty ok with stopping her tears for her. Useless #&$$&$^//&##*$!!!!!!! (Except to f’g commie kikes)

  6. “There is nothing anyone can say that would have reversed my vote.”

    There is nothing yours or anyone else’s ‘votes’ could have done to reverse the (s)election, you stupid cow.

    Go play on the freeway during rush hour.

    That way, your body can catch up to your brain.

  7. I would be interested in finding out who these paid actors really are! I have seen photos of the buses that sorros is sending in to create this false flag across the nation. “No one voted for hitlery”. Its all a media dog and pony show. My stylist is a Hispanic women and her whole family actually went in and voted for chump. III % is expanding.

  8. This is an excellent example of what happens to you when you live in a bubble created by people who care nothing for the truth or facts. The best thing that we could do for them is to remove the evil influences from their lives by protecting and defending this country and the Constitution from all enemies. This means long jail terms for those responsible for the brainwashing of a generation of children just like this poor girl.

  9. “I believe every single immigrant that calls the United States home should damn well be allowed to stay here, no matter what other people of their same skin color or religion may have done.”

    What I say matters is correct, everyone else is wrong; always.

  10. “I believe every single immigrant that calls the United States home should damn well be allowed to stay here, no matter what other people of their same skin color or religion may have done.”

    Hey I spent 6 months in Japan. After all awhile, it felt like home to me. So by your logic, does that mean I should be allowed to stay there permanently even if I don’t have a Visa or any documentation nor am I a National of that country?


  11. I only read he first few paragraphs.
    And none of the comments.
    But this smells like a fake, over the top, “let’s get people all riled up” article to me.
    Just my gut instinct BS detector with the needle pegged.

  12. DEAR LORD YOU ARE WHAT IS THE PROBLEM. You are so filled w stupid you would have voted for Killary regardless of her past/present lies, crimes and misdemeanors? I wish i could feel sorry for people like you but i do NOT. I don’t care for the man either for a variety of reasons but IF he can pull his speech off great, awesome, will he? I seriously doubt it, he is disliked to much for one they won’t work w him, plus all his Advisors, Bffs, Apptees are members of the NWO Club he claims to dislike. Given all that , he is no way equal to the Clintons. NO WAY

  13. Ha ha ha! “More human than anyone who voted for Trump”? THATS why you lost. Such a bleeding heart piece of sh it! You are so “compassionate” that you totally ignore thr majority of people youve fu cked over while coddling your special interest fringe. You and the rest of the liberal scum have been totally rejected by America and no amount of absolute stupidity and empty platitudes will change that. Stupid fringe, enjoy the loss you EARNED.

  14. by ryan-

    This is one group that identifies as our enemies.

    As anyone can see they are retarded and emotionally inept to survive without a nanny state to tell them what to parrot.

    Happy hunting and God speed.

  15. I think of what morpheus told neo….that people in the matrix are dangerous as hell (to paraphrase) this woman is obviously mentally ill, mind controlled and loves the matrix.

  16. You will attempt to talk to trump supporters and ask them…why etc..

    You need to talk to people like Henry Shively, JD, Mark Koernke and others who can possibly wake your seriously misguided do good, feel good empathetic ass up…

    Your America can and never will exist, u are part of a scientific social engineering program that has been ongoing for a very long time..

    You clearly do not like being free…

    But u will find people on this site have no love for any of your little globalist, zio puppets…either Trumpraeli or The Mena drug kingpins the Clintons…..

    perhaps u might read a few of these posts, & like Sean Connery in Zardoz, begin to awaken to a harsh truth…!

  17. So the Fascist won.
    (“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” ― Benito Mussolini {Some claim this is a false quote, if it is, then the strength of the statement itself is still is valid.})

    Next inline is a Reichstags Fire by (Whom Else?) A Liberal/Commie to activate the already set up Police state (Law and Order!).

    History Repeats, Repeats, Repeats and will do it again.

    One fun thing about this election was the claim of Foreign Connections and interventions in the form of Trump and Putin. But NO-One notice or even mentioined the little One on One of each of the presumed candidates with Top Zionist Nethanyahoo just before the first debate…

    The ONLY foreign government leader they had to go on their knees for and promise to worship like Xerces and Trump ain’t no Leonidas.

  18. WOW!! I finally read the article, and think I know what is the problem.


      1. I don’t know Katie, It may evolve into something new in a few days.

        Liberal Induced Bacterial Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder…….

    1. The Communist Party refers to people like Jaime Nabrynski as “useful idiots.”
      Her actions speak of how in the communist manifesto is to take over the United States. The USSA is armed to the gills so it would be to difficult of country to overtake militarily so it must be gutted from within. Jaime Nabrynski, whether you know it or not, you are the communist party poster child along with the other hundreds of thousands of sniveling,wimpering bitches who did not get your way. Now you know how people who despise the worst president in modern history, Barack Obama, feel.

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