Nancy Pelosi: ‘I’m sick and tired’ of ‘useless’ Republicans blocking Obama’s ultra-liberal agenda

Nancy Pelosi says she's "sick and tired" of Republicans.Tea Party Tribune – by Joe Newby

In a campaign fundraising email posted Tuesday at Weasel Zippers, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she’s “sick and tired” of “useless” House Republicans blocking Barack Obama’s progressive agenda, and claims the only way to fix the “problem” is to elect more liberal Democrats.

“I can’t do that alone,” she said in the DCCC email. “I need your people-power to back me up.”  

“I’m counting on you to step up and help me kick the useless Republican Majority out,” she added.

Pelosi specifically cited the background check legislation that failed earlier this year.

Obama reacted sharply to the failure of his gun control bills passing the Democratic-controlled Senate, calling advocates of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms liars.

Pelosi has a long history of making such comments, from claims that Republicans would starve millions of seniors to statements that Republicans want to literally destroy everything.

She also declared the right to keep and bear arms exists in the First Amendment rather than the Second, and announced that tax cuts are “spending.”

The House Minority Leader even bragged once that Democrats are trying to “save life on this planet as we know it today.”

Her statements once earned her a sharp rebuke from Sarah Palin, who called her a “dingbat” and a “perfect spokesman” for the “far left running the Democrat Party.”

Last June, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. called her “mind-numbingly stupid,” and suggested she “schedule an appointment” with a doctor.

Weasel Zippers had a short message for the California Democrat:  “The feeling is mutual, Nancy.”

15 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi: ‘I’m sick and tired’ of ‘useless’ Republicans blocking Obama’s ultra-liberal agenda

  1. We’re ALL sick and tired of useless congressmen, Pelosi, and no one cares if you apply the Republican or Democrat labels to them.

    But what’s worse than useless is evil. That’s the category you fall into, and no one’s going to forget it.

  2. Well F U nancy! I’m tired of useless Bolshevik commies like you blocking Americas liberty and handing our wealth over to a bunch of satan worshipping jews!

  3. Was at Weaselzippers daily until I was banned.

    My crime?
    I posted a polite retort (as political_proxy) to an asine comment one of the moderators had made. She, in return, replied as a weak kneed juvenille liberal hell bent on getting in as many insults as possible before the feel good moment of letting everyone know she was in control by announcing I was banned. That’s how I perceived the comment…

    Plenty of ad hominem attacks were visible from others as well, obviously no problem there either. Yet none of them had addressed my basic question which was very unusual for the (previouslt friendly) crowd I had know for some time.

    Zip refuses to afford me the courtesey of a reply to my email inquiries as well – not much of a class act. I still view their site for the info as it is updated regularly.

    Thanks for the vent :p
    The environment here is much more user friendly.

    (remove rant if determined inappropriate – no hard feelings)

  4. My Fellow Americans:

    Nancy Pelosi,… living proof that zero intelligence or loyalty (to America) is necessary to become a Congress – thing….

    How do you spell Douch-Bag?

    It’s spelled: N-A-N-C-Y P-E-L-O-S-I

    Note,.. (Pelosi) is also an alternate spelling for Traitor.

    JD – US Marines – Why hasn’t this Douchbag been arrested and charged with treason yet???

  5. …Pelosi is a traitor and a war-criminal….impeach her…indict her…convict her..and hang her…along with her friends in the American Leadership for the last fifty years…go back and charge all of them with treason…democrats republicans….Presidents…House Speaker…anyone who has participated in the criminal activity across my lifetime…charge and convict them all…charge their kids as well…generational treason…convict the entire family and hang them all together at one time….


    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves-The Life of an Insane Family

    1. HAhahaha,…. RIGHT YOU ARE RJ!!

      Hell,.. I’d pay for an admissions ticket to see that!!


      JD – US Marines – Hmmm,… a picture of watching Nancy Pelosi chock to death for her treason,…. Priceless!

  6. This pos is the worst excuse of a human being I’ve ever seen. A traitor by nature a thief and liar by self design and the worst looking sack of dog crap I’ve had the displeasure of looking at. Hanging may not be the answer but possibly tying her up and dipping her in a pot of boiling tar might make me feel better.

  7. Sorry #1 I know how you feel as I lived almost half of my life there. Just remember that if it goes down and you need a place you have my number.

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