Nancy Pelosi Tells Jon Stewart the ObamaCare Debacle is “Not My Responsibility”

Freedom’s Lighthouse

So, the woman who said “We have to pass the bill (ObamaCare) so we can find out what’s in it,” is not responsible for the ObamaCare catastrophe coming down on the country now? That’s what Nancy Pelosi says in this interview with Jon Stewart.

6 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi Tells Jon Stewart the ObamaCare Debacle is “Not My Responsibility”

  1. …what a corrupt douche of a human being….impeach her…charge her with treason and convict her…hang her with the convicted Bush/Clinton/Obama Crime Family…listen to her trying to distract and dissemble….convict and hang her….

    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

  2. Pelosi: “It’s not my responsibility.”

    Jon Stewart: “Really? Well where’s the House Minority Leader? I need to speak with her on this.”

    Pelosi: “Do something about it.”

    Jon Stewart: “Well that’s what I was going to tell you to do.”

    Pelosi’s ending words, “I don’t know. You know, I don’t know.”

    Yep Pelosi, We the people don’t know either. We don’t know why you were put in office. We don’t know why you want to run for office again. We don’t even know why you are still in office. We don’t know why you haven’t been arrested and hung for high treason. We don’t even know why you are still alive. Hell, we don’t even know if you are even human.

    But we do know one thing, We the people will be coming for you very soon. May God have mercy on your soul.

  3. “Not My Responsibility” -Peloser
    Echoing her ‘jewish’ masters mantra…no surprise there.

    This corrupt, treasonous, goblin-bitch hiding behind her california plastic
    sets-off one thing in me, and one thing only…my gag-reflex.
    GTFO before I drown in vomit.


  4. This Zionist slut is one of the many reasons I really hate this state.

    A totally debilitating stroke would be fitting end to her career – one leaving her unable to speak.

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