Nancy Pelosi: ‘Unconscionable’ to Oppose Gun Control That Wouldn’t Have Stopped San Bernardino Attack

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

With the House GOP opposed to adding the imprecise no-fly list to background checks, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12th) says it is “unconscionable” to oppose gun control that would not have stopped the San Bernardino attack.

The addition of the no-fly list would not have stopped the San Bernardino attack because the attackers—Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik—weren’t on it. On December 4, CNN reported that Farook and Malik weren’t on “any list” of potential terrorists in the U.S.  

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez MonsivaisBut instead of changing their course, Democrats are doubling down and trying to force a vote on gun control in the House.

According to Politico, Rep. Pelosi and Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA-5th) are leading the charge and plan to use a “discharge petition” to force a vote on adding the no-fly list to background checks.

Pelosi said:

It is unconscionable that a suspected terrorist can enter a store and leave with the gun of his choice. We must close this terrorist gun loophole and act to strengthen our system of background checks. House Democrats will press forcefully for Congress to take up common-sense solutions to address the epidemic of gun violence in our country.

She did not mention that Farook and Malik were not on the list.

Thompson introduced the discharge petition and said:

Terrorists shouldn’t be able to legally buy guns. However, right now, someone on the FBI’s Terrorists Watchlist can go into a gun store and buy a firearm of their choosing — legally. Last week, House Republicans voted three times to protect the ability of suspected terrorists to continue buying guns. This made our country less safe.

Like Pelosi, Thompson did not mention that Farook and Malik were not on the list.

Democrats will have to get 30 Republicans to cross the aisle and sign the petition in order to bring the vote to the floor.

Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

4 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi: ‘Unconscionable’ to Oppose Gun Control That Wouldn’t Have Stopped San Bernardino Attack

  1. Pelosi, you my dear, are the “suspected terrorist” because you speak of “common sense gun laws”. Actually, you ARE a terrorist as you are terrorizing the American National by infringing on the 2nd article to the Bill of Rights.
    There are consequences for these terrorist actions Nancy.

  2. ” “unconscionable” to oppose gun control that would not have stopped the San Bernardino attack.”

    You mean gun control in the form of every American on that duck shooting range armed according to his or her rights (Voluntary!) and them couple of shooters (Criminals in the act of killing.) facing a barrage of 9mm and .45 bullets coming towards them to protect the innocent and actually would have stopped the San Bernardino attack.

    After they reveal themselves as criminals by starting their suicide run by pulling their guns and starting to shoot? Like that? Now that would be a “Lets Roll” Moment. (Oh Wait, in that plane it would have worked also.. AS EVERYWHERE ELSE, just because of statistics.)

    The right to self defense is not unconscionable, but it is unconscionable for so called ‘American’ politicians to keep Americans from defending themselves at any time against people that are infringing on the common human right and American encoded right to life.

    Of course if you are not an American first, then what do you care about Americans and their way of life more then a farmer cares about his milking cows in the field. If they stop producing, they go to the slaughterhouse, after all and down the line, they are just animals and what are politicians more then ‘managers’ of human cattle?

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