Nancy Sinatra – These Boots Are Made for Walkin’

Uploaded on Mar 27, 2010 by weissebrauen

“These Boots Are Made for Walkin'” is a pop song musically composed by Lee Hazlewood and first written and recorded by Nancy Sinatra. It was released in February 1966 and hit #1 in the United States and United Kingdom Pop charts. Subsequently, many cover versions of the song have been released in a range of styles: metal, pop, rock, punk rock, country, dance, and industrial.

You keep saying you got something for me
Something you call love but confess
You’ve been a’messin’ where you shouldn’t ‘ve been a’messin’
And now someone else is getting all your best
Well, these boots are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you

You keep lyin’ when you oughta be truthin’
You keep losing when you oughta not bet
You keep samin’ when you oughta be a’changin’
What’s right is right but you ain’t been right yet
These boots are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you

You keep playing where you shouldn’t be playing
And you keep thinking that you’ll never get burnt (HAH)
Well, I’ve just found me a brand new box of matches (YEAH)
And what he knows you ain’t had time to learn
These boots are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you


Are you ready, boots?
Start walkin’

33 thoughts on “Nancy Sinatra – These Boots Are Made for Walkin’

  1. Man,I need to start posting some music,really dig,Nancy?!You want a walking song how about AC/DC’s “Walk All Over You”?!

    1. James Nancy was a long time before AC DC . 😉 In fact most of the 70`s on up coppied the music from the days gone by.
      Don`t get me wrong as I like most all music but think about it.
      The 40`s 50`s and the 60`s did change the music world big time and that is what most music after that time period copied 🙂 You know it did.

      By the way James – in my day we used to call AC/DC Anti-Christ /DevilChild 😆

      Oh yes- by the way – I do kind of like the video 😆

        1. Lke I said James – and by sayin` that you verified it – britney spears is a cheap copy.
          Remember that this was from the 60`s viet nam era.
          Actually it was a theme song from the show ” Full Metal Jacket” .
          Remember that show James. Just sayin` ya know 😉

          1. @ James 4:42. YES SIR James – watch Ful Metal Jacket now How About That James Like I am for about the 50th time . Yea and You James will see
            YeaJames I have lived that life more than ya want to know. Sir 🙁

          2. Dan,
            Are you watching it? I like the basic training part. It reminds me of my basic. Great flik.

          3. I think James was kidding with you, digger. 😉
            James, if you Really want to get digger going…post “It’s Raining Men” or “YMCA.” LOL 🙂 😉

        2. James, all music is appreciated here.
          You would be amazed at the all of the great music that is posted here. This group knows music, All Types!
          Thank all you guys for all the Great posts lately! Makes my Day! TY!

          1. I have liked about 85% of the music posted here,just need to get some of my choices in at some time!

    1. LOL
      So do I 🙂 😉
      and I remember Rock n’ Roll being called disgusting, sinfull, “Jungle Music”

      1. Yes Angel, devil music. My parents were record burners they were. Hard core bible thumpers for sure.

    2. Awe joe. yes. You know where I am comeing from when I post some of these songs I think perhaps.
      Many people do not undestand those days.
      They can read all day long but they never lived it and that is the difference.
      Yes lke I said to James the 60`s changed the world like no other time in history even to this day.

      1. LOL You caught “60’s” 🙂 Thought you were looking at Nancy and had a Freudian slip with the “69.” 🙂 🙂

        1. Well to be honest Angel , lol yes that too ya know. Hey Angel 😆 I`m a guy ya know.
          She does a great job doing the stomp don`t ya know 😉 😉
          I miss those days Angel – actualy the PTB stole those days from me as I have said before here on site – I remember those days but dream land twilite zone if ya know what I mean.

          1. Missy I am sorry. yes I do but i could not and still be appropriate after the f`er James. Yea flash back . Thanks James ya aZZhole .
            Missy I wil getbacmto ya. I haven`t been able to get back to a lot of people 🙁 🙁 🙁
            I am realy sorry Missy and Steve.
            I cannot help it – I wish I could. Ask Millard

          2. I am so sorry digger. Please don’t let people get to ya. Let it go, it is not worth the stress, they are not worth it, believe me, I am dealing with one right now. I am so mad, but I am going to shut up.

  2. LOL Digger!

    This song always makes me laugh (I like it, liked her attitude when heard it when I got a little older) but it reminds me of when I was little and my Dad would fart and say (my nickname!) like he couldn’t believe I did that! I’d look at him and my Mom, I didn’t do that 🙁
    I can’t remember the occasion, but my Mom, Dad and I went to the finest restaurant in the area (It was still well known after I grew up.)
    I was all dressed up in my little white leather boots, fringy dress and my kitty coat (I was 3-4 it was a soft fur coat-kitty) a lil’ bit after we were seated, I plopped my little boot heels up on the table linens (Ker-Plunk!), let a gigantic one rip and loudly said “Dad!” like I was horrified lol!
    My Mom said my Dad’s face turned 20 shades of red and he said he was Never going to take me (<it was other words he said & not my name lol) any place again LOL!
    Anyway this song always reminds me of my favorite little boots & that time 🙂

    1. RTHawk, I want to Thank You so MUCH!!!! The pineapple tidbit you gave the other day, made me so excited that I started doing research and it became an entire segment on the show, how to grow 16 foods from kitchen scraps!! I am a firm believer in not wasting, and this just goes into that so well. Thank You my friend, I really did appreciate your insight!!! I am getting older, and things that used to matter don’t anymore, I am in my hippy mode, get closer to the Earth, learning what beauty God has given us, the stop and smell the roses and appreciate it all phase!! Thank You again, it really meant a lot to me!! 🙂

      1. Hey Missy 🙂
        You are welcome, my pleasure! Glad you found more info read a lil’ bit of it today and saved it, Great Job! TY!
        I haven’t had the chance to listen to the Show you and Bulldog do yet it sounds good though and sure I will when I know which way is up lol!
        (Monday will be here soon enough, not looking forward to it, but will be glad to know at the same time.)
        Glad you are enjoying your earthing! I used to Love it and grew pretty much anything I could fit in our little back yard, including some awesome mini white corn on the cob (Had to fight the red ants for it when it was ripe lol!)
        Looking forward to listening to Get Ready, glad they are being archived!
        Anytime you are ready to make oils, just let me know

        1. I promise when I am ready I will let you know! My Dad came over tonight, he is like, your front flower beds look like crap, I am like Dad I am focusing on food, I can’t do it all, I work for a loving, the neighborhood will have to suck it up or come and clean them themselves!! He laughed! So anyway, I am getting to oils slowly, it is just hard when you work 8 hours a day, 9 animals, 1 teenager at home, and you know a husband!! 🙂

    2. Awe RT. I am glad ya liked it and brought back good memories.
      I am sorry I didn`t get back to ya last week end – I just couldn`t for some reson RT.
      Hopefully I can talk to ya this week end eh.
      It is my fault RT . Couldn`t help it RT.
      That old time attitude ya don`t deserve to hear my friend RT.
      I realy do hope you understand.

      1. All is good Digger 🙂
        You just be sure and take good care of yourself there okay!?! 🙂
        My best there always, be talkin’ with ya

          1. Sounds like you are the one with a problem @ 3:36 james.
            Yea sounds like you think your Shit don`t stink for some reason.

            What is your prob. with RT and me.
            Like I said you came off first @ 3:36 not me or RT unless that was your main intention to come here and start shit james.

            Just sayin james – think about it after all you are the 2nd and the 4th comment here on the article/song so what is your prob.

            Perhaps you do not like it when I said this song sould be applied to obama and trolls. Yea james I do not like trolls – ya got something to say about me not likein obama and trolls james ??

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