Need Some Laughs? Check out Lindsey Graham’s FACEBOOK Page on Snowden

Today, I sent a letter to the Russian Ambassador to the United States about the case of Edward Snowden.

Here are some of the responses:  

  • Geoffrey Pope @Ralph, you don’t think they actually count the votes honestly, do you?
  • Patrick B. Smith Don’t you just love it, Lindsey, doing the opposite of what your people from your state want.
  • Samuel Browning You are the “Do Boy” for AIPAC and ADL. These groups own you. Punk.
  • Travis Strasser I’m sure Putin will listen to you as soon as you stop funding terrorist in Syria. On second thought he probably doesn’t give two cents what you or any other banker puppet says. You are a sell-out trader and deserve jail time!
  • Henry Forte I’d love to see a list of those calling for Snowden’s head that also are pushing for the release of Pollard. I’m sure we’d see a lot of familiar names that show up on both lists. It seems to be OK to spy for other countries as long as they are consid…See More
  • Alex Deloach Typical Democrat.. Clapper lies under Oath and he wants to defend Clapper, go after the leaker screaming national security and All this wile sending money to Islamic Radicals in Syria who SLAUGHTER CHRISTIANS.
  • Justin Eplin Snowden for President 2016!!
  • Rhonda Mills With all the HIGH TECH surveillance the us gov has I don’t know why they can find Snowden within a 2 ft square. Maybe they are using this as a distraction to all the other scandals going on.
  • Chris Valle Get it right Justin…Valle for President in 2016. This country would greatly benefit from non politicians representing the people for a period, then returning back to their communities. Professional politicians like Mr Graham have time and again failed us
  • Justin Eplin Chris Valle I would love for you to be POTUS!!! Sadly unless we find $25 million there is no chance of ever making into a primary 😕

4 thoughts on “Need Some Laughs? Check out Lindsey Graham’s FACEBOOK Page on Snowden

  1. Do you think politicians like Graham even look at their facebook page? They just probably use it as an outlet or distraction for people to vent their frustrations while they go the other way and continue to do what they want.

  2. Here is something I placed on multiple Senators FarceBook pages last nite:

    The 18 states allowing for recall are as follows: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington and Wisconsin.

    Please join me in getting the word out. Obviously the people will not be represented so they must find true representatives.

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