7 thoughts on “New 9/11 Footage Destroys Main Stream Narrative

  1. Watched this one last night.

    I have a new dvd (2 set) that’s MUCH more interesting. I’m going to see if Henry can post a portion (or maybe all) of it on FTT. I’m also going to put it up for Henry’s next drawing.

  2. The trouble with the 911 story is no one wants to touch it, and if they did, watch out for unexplained plane crashes, or stray bullets.

    We all know what the gig was, we are just too complacent to do anything about it. Brain dead morons we are, I hate to say it, but it’s true. We’re more interested in the latest NFL trades to bother with such minor details.

    That’s what 911 has become. A minor detail. Way more important shit out there like that new shade of lipstick and that keen new pocket fisherman.

  3. Holy smoke! Some one was blown out of a window. I’ve seen lots of video on 911 and am convinced the official story is not the true facts of what happened that day. I may have seen this clip before but it is the first time I saw where some one took the time to zoom in and slow down a small section that shows some one being blown out a window. How has this been missed till now? Or has this been out a while?

    1. This video of the man being blown out of the window has been out for a few years dolan. The close up of the man being blown out that window has been enhanced

  4. Recall watching the LIVE BBC broadcast when they announced “Bldg 7 has collapsed”.

    Just look into the reportes eyes and all will be OK…because then you would not have noticed the bld was still there [as it was for another 26 mins]. Sure, I did not know it was Bldg 7 at the time, but footage gets replayed.

  5. I did not get Internet until mid 2005 and was already convinced there was a cover up about 911 in 2003 and just about everything else for that matter before 911. I received thru the snail mail alternative info on health, news, sovereignty, ect… and was pretty happy with that. Once I got connected to the wide world web I found so much info it was difficult to discern the fact from the fiction till I learned how to trace who owned the sites and what their motive and goals were about.

    1. Henry’s goal (all Trenchers’ goal, actually) is simple… 100% unadulterated truth.

      If any articles are posted here that are less than truthful, rest assured that any lies therein will be exposed by the posters here.

      We have a top-notch, wide awake family on FTT.

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