New Bill Will Re-Victimize Gun Owners Who Were Robbed

Ammoland – by Justin Stakes

Roseville, CA -( When someone’s home is broken into, there are a thousand things on their mind. From insurance paperwork to police reports, it is an overwhelming time.

But now the government wants to make it even harder to get through it all, placing new requirements on those who had a firearm stolen…  

And if you fill it out incorrectly or don’t turn it in on time you may be prosecuted as a criminal.

SB 894 requires every person, with few exceptions, to report the theft or loss of a firearm he or she owns or possesses to a local law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction in which the theft or loss occurred within 5 days of the time he or she knew or “reasonably” should have known that the firearm had been stolen or lost.

Under SB 894, if a person forgets to submit the paperwork in a timely fashion, either because they are emotionally stressed or because they misplaced the police paperwork, and turns it in on the 6th day, they could then be charged on the spot with an infraction and fine.

In typical fashion, the politicians in Sacramento are more concerned with the people that follow the law and couldn’t care less about criminals that steal firearms from law-abiding gun owners.


1. Sign the petition opposing SB 894

2. CALL the author of the bill and ask that she pull the bill from the hearing.

3. CALL the Senators listed below — ask them to “vote NO on SB 894”

4. Share this email and help us get the word out — time is of the essence


AUTHOR: Sen. Hannah Beth Jackson (D – Santa Barbara).

WHAT IT DOES: SB 894 requires every person, with few exceptions, to report the theft or loss of a firearm he or she owns or possesses to a local law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction in which the theft or loss occurred within 5 days of the time he or she knew or “reasonably” should have known that the firearm had been stolen or lost.

LOCATION: Senate Public Safety Committee.

STATUS: SB 894 will be voted on next Tuesday, April 5th. If passed, it will head to the Senate Appropriations Committee.


  • Sen. Hannah Beth Jackson – (916) 651-4019


It takes less than 3 minutes to help us fight this bill. Call every one of these Senators and ask them to “vote no on SB 894.”

About the Firearms Policy Coalition:

Firearms Policy Coalition is a grassroots 501(c)4 nonprofit public benefit organization. FPC’s mission is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially the fundamental, individual Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

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9 thoughts on “New Bill Will Re-Victimize Gun Owners Who Were Robbed

  1. “In typical fashion, the politicians in Sacramento are more concerned with the people that follow the law and couldn’t care less about criminals that steal firearms from law-abiding gun owners.”

    Likelier they’re more concerned with becoming the top INFRINGING state in the country.

    They’ve got some tough competition, considering NY & IL.

    1. Hater, that should be NY and NJ, IL isn’t near as bad as those two. We have shall issue CCW, no AR bans (except a town or two) and no restrictions on magazine capacity.

  2. So really, when they start confiscating guns, saying “it got stolen” Will get you thrown in jail.

    If that was your plan, you better be prepared to prove that you were robbed (or lost it) in the last 5 days…

        1. Better to die in a hail of gunfire, taking as many of the murdering scumbags with you as possible, than a stinking prison cell.

    1. it? As in all of them?

      Some people with black masks and wielding guns claiming they were government enforcing the new voluntary policy of “giving up” were here a couple of hours ago here and took it all with them…

      Hmm, that new meme took about 10 seconds to produce.

  3. It’s ridiculous. Next, they’ll not only want to know where every gun is, they’ll want to know where you keep it, in your car? In your house, if so, where in your house? How much ammo in your possession? Have you ever been prescribed an anti-depressant?

    How far are we willing to bend? We’re way past 90 degrees already. Or, are we going to wait for their next demand? We’ll see what next “fake” terror attack finally tips the scales and the American people “call their bluff.”

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