7 thoughts on “Newt Gingrich on Trump: “He didn’t belong to the secret society”

  1. i dont know.. an hour of bullshit for the possibility of hearinga comment from “newt”? aint got time…………… c ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I got 15 seconds and the audio goes doublespeak, unintelligible gibberish.

      Either way, if Newt Gingrich had anything say, the moment he opened his mouth, lies purged, like projectile vomit.

  2. Secret Societies, they don’t exist, right? Or is the term “Secret Societies” the best example of an “oxymoron”?

  3. Trump’s affiliations and allegiances are wide open and in our faces.

    Recognition by hollywood for years, daughter marrying into crooked kosher-kushner real estate family(who is tied to goldman-sacks), great admiration for lucky larry silverstein(who brought you the memorable 9/11 demolition and everything it culminated into) and openly espouses 1000% support for isrealhell(who reaps the rewards from our blood and zollars).

    Just as long as it’s not a “secret society” he must be a real honest, all-American guy like the rest of US, eh?

    What a mensch, for sure.

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