Nick Fuentes: “Isrаеl is not our аlly. They have a matrix of cоntrоl over the US. They are the biggest thrеаt to Amеricа and the Wеst.

4 thoughts on “Nick Fuentes: “Isrаеl is not our аlly. They have a matrix of cоntrоl over the US. They are the biggest thrеаt to Amеricа and the Wеst.

  1. Just ’cause you name the jew doesn’t mean you ain’t spinnin’ all the other issues and stoking the fires of division. Nick, you set people up for black and white thinking. And Nick, all people can take pride in and celebrate their own race and culture, but please, get over skin color. Oh, I forgot, that’s foundational to your platform. And how dare you diminish the threat of what you call “illegal immigrants,” but who are actually invaders commanded by Jewish objectives of global homogenization and global dominance. And stop selling us your “Right Wing” solutions. Both wings serve Greater Israel. One last thing Nick… You better look into Article 1’s right to Freedom of Religion. Seems you think we’re all under one big tent.

    Lastly Nick, I just read that as of 2022 you had a net worth of $12 Million Dollars. Guess it’s a lot more now. How much more will you come to earn from dancin’ around the truth?


  2. Both comments above are correct. I wonder if (like Ben Shapiro) he supports that HIAS NGO which is helping all those illegals and MS-13 thugs into this nation to destroy it. Seriously, I cannot trust any of these controlled op “influencers”!

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