No Word From the Trenches today

Taking today off from the broadcast.

I had yesterday’s broadcast all prepared and have been trying to take it easy, but when the piece on the 9th Article showed up around 11:00, there was no choice in the matter.  I had to read it, separate the propaganda and the deliberate attempts to mislead, and nail it down to the simple absolute law that it is.  I then had to create the narrative for reading the article on air to accomplish the aforementioned.  I knew the task was far from taking it easy, but there was no way I could let the opportunity pass by. 

You all should have noticed right at the end of the broadcast that I could not say “And that is the Word From the Trenches”.  I hit the wall.

I will try to be back up tomorrow and take it easy, as there will not be so many facets running through my mind at one time towards a single goal.

All apologies, but the mind is just like any other part of the body, it can only be pushed so hard and it will just simply shut down.  I need to sit in a cabin overlooking a field of flowers, watching butterflies and the wind blowing the flowers for a couple of months to completely heal, but this is something that is not going to happen, as the time just does not exist and the end game is closing in on us ever faster, day by day.  So I will do the best I can with what I have left and hope that you will be patient with me.

The Bill of Rights is the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we will prevail as the truth cannot be stopped.

13 thoughts on “No Word From the Trenches today

  1. Smoke something good & relax, Henry.

    I’d send some more hash, if I could… can’t trust that to the mail, though.

  2. Rest and relax as much as possible; rejuvenate.

    What you fumbled yesterday was PBFTT, instead you said, “Patriot Broadcast from the Trenches.”

    Actually, I’m amazed you can get PBFTT out any day. I’d be stumbling over this frequently.

    Anyway, I hope you have a restful day off Henry & Laura.

  3. Aloha and God bless you guys…. You are a seed that has planted and will grow endlessly…. and the trenchers will keep sewing more…

  4. I noticed it, Henry, and of course it concerned me. Every day we battle with the most ugly FORCE permeating so many facets of our lives. It takes everything we’ve got and it’s going to happen that we feel the toll. As my husband and I get older it even feels harder to cope with, digest, and understand the tyranny, let alone how to confront it and stop it. You have given us so many tools to do this, and most especially in working to uphold our Bill of Rights.

    I also think about the time of “the passing of the torch” where all of us elders impart what we know and entrust that to those whom we hopefully ignited in wanting them to take up the fight. One can only hope such individuals will appear and are willing and capable.

    I wonder if you have any idea how important you are to so many of us. Sure, there are many who know the material and have the conviction, but I’ve yet to see any articulate it like you. You are a genius at this task of dismantling the control machine that would enslave us. Daily, it is being torn open and gutted, and exposed for what it does to all people who want to live free. And you do this, not just by telling us what’s wrong, but with a focused eye on The Bill of Rights that offers the solution for THE WAY OUT.

    There is an old saying: “One day at a time.” It has so much wisdom in it because it makes life manageable. That combined with rest and nurturing, really helps to sustain fortitude. I pray for the well-being of you and dear Laura, and I envision a way for you to be in that cabin among the flowers, even for little breaks here and there. May the donations flow in to help make this happen. Until then, please put your health first and take all the time you need. We have your body of work to refer to for learning and inspiration and that can keep us going. God bless both you and Laura. Your legacy is freedom and you are loved and appreciated for it.


    1. ‘I pray for the well-being of you and dear Laura, and I envision a way for you to be in that cabin among the flowers, even for little breaks here and there. May the donations flow in to help make this happen. Until then, please put your health first and take all the time you need. We have your body of work to refer to for learning and inspiration and that can keep us going. God bless both you and Laura. Your legacy is freedom and you are loved and appreciated for it.’

      oh galen …. I love that 🙂

      1. Glad you liked it, Mary. Sometimes it is so hard to offer support and respect to those you cherish without getting mushy.


  5. ‘….and hope that you will be patient with me.’ Patient with you? My dear sir, it is you that has shown unbelievable patience with so many of us. Yesterday’s broadcast was absolutely five star! You were going to take 2 weeks off so I hope you consider taking tomorrow off as well. Love you both.

  6. Rest up Henry, no one wants to see go out like Spike did. Balance is an important factor in life, so take some time to recharge the batteries, there is still a long way to go.

  7. Thanks for getting the 9th piece out .. I was getting ready to hack my way through it and then I saw you cover it in your show. well just so you know it is out in video format and published out on my network .. covered it well thanks. Wardo

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