8 thoughts on “NSA Whistle-Blower Tells All – Op-Docs: The Program

  1. I saw this video a few months back somewhere….don’t recall…certainly is good to review it, go through it again and think of its content. Notice it begins ….”shortly after 911′
    it then becomes clear, the domestic spying was to go with the after affects of 911…all planned out……911 planned out also…..These Criminals responsible for this mass murder are yet around….the most likely hood is that at some point they will be charged …..my fingers are crossed to remain that way…until death or they are indeed charged.
    thanks for this post….

  2. Every time I look at this guy or his buddies Thomas Drake and J. Kirk Wiebe, I’m reminded that their lawyer is Jesslyn Radack of the Govt. Accountability Project (GAP). And that GAP is funded in part by donations from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation & the Rockefeller Family Fund. All three of them are also have Daniel Ellsberg, a CFR member, speaking out in their defense. And this video itself is from the NY Times? All of these celebrity “whistleblowers” sure are well connected.

  3. hi rbeason-
    Personally, I think this whole whistleblower network is a government created operation. You see the same players over and over again. The govt. knows it is not popular. What better than to bring out some “anti-govt”. whistleblowers to give the people hope that someone is fighting for them? It pacifies the people. These “whistleblowers” never really reveal crucial info like 9-11, false-flags, chemtrails, Zionists, etc., – just old stuff.

    Probably much more to it than that. I just know I don’t trust any of them.

    1. I specifically have not zero’ed in on whistle blowers either to learn new things….take snowden……I can hardly say what it is he is so in the news for, except the NSA……spotlight………..
      You take the Fed Gov! With them having such a lead, at least, perhaps two decades on all this take over of our country, its const. and so forth, for the average US Citizen to get up to speed in understanding…we are at a large disadvantage in that regard……they can be leading us around quite easily….
      I do think in the end, the dam is going to break on them….
      Almost certain I can’t make it another 50 yrs if it takes that long….Laugh,,,,,well, i’d be 117 yrs old and have other things on my mind like am I here tomorrow!……
      none of us know for sure…the other side doesn’t either.
      I have this sense, that Obama won’t last out his term, now doing, and just why that is,,,,,,I can’t put an exact thought into writing…..
      The sense is just there….
      tks for getting back…….dph
      do you think Obama can be forced to resign?
      even so, the crooked situation would yet have its toe hold

  4. You guys commenting here are correct; We take too much ‘anti’ at face value, as there are deceptions within deceptions within deceptions.

    Many of the ‘wild’ conspiracy theories ARE generated by the government, to add to confusion, but much of it to make anyone who disagrees appear insane – connected to “those loonies”.

    And that’s the whole concept of disinformation; WTF can anyone believe?

    And the point of all that is to get people to sink into a morass of indecision.

    What do we do? What do we protest? How do we organize? Where? Would peaceful protest actually ACCOMPLISH anything????

    People are afraid to write their feelings, as many have soon had a ‘knock at the door’. I mean, honest to god….WTF has HAPPENED to this country? This is beyond insane. This is the nightmare stuff of Nazi/Stasi/Stalinist purges.

    I find it absolutely amazing that people within the government are SO FRIGHTENED for their paycheck and/or repercussions, they’re actually willing to go along with this shit;

    “I was just following orders….”

    Amazing how history constantly repeats itself.

    1. THE Little town in Mont when I was born, raised, and farmed/ranched and not all that long ago either, born 1945,,,I recall my grandfather, my dads dad, telling me some of the things he experienced in being nearly 25 years in the country sheriff office either as the deputy only had one dep….or the elected sheriff which he achieved..more than once…he spent 25+ years there…he told me himself..of what he thought of the FBI…if they showed up at his sheriffs office he was polite and told they to bet out……….just like that….he was the kind of man who would give you the shirt off his back….and thats what his service was like….and now look at the state of the United States….it’s very sad for me, having come from a rural back ground where being a neighbor was something special…its not totally gone yet but this place of ours is a mess…..for sure…
      I m somewhat comforted by this site, Henry, his staff, i don’t know them personally, and all the those who write here (most anyway) give off the vibrations…of authenticity…..that’s a great beginning place for our land to heal itself…before something yet more evil comes about…..that needs fixing…..

  5. Government approved ‘whistleblowers’?!?
    If they were any kind of threat to the ‘owners’
    they’d already be dead.
    That’s why I’m suspicious of the snowden and wikileaks revelations.
    Nothing about 911, or anything significant about israel.
    American intelligence giving raw data to israel about americans is insane and treasonous.

    The lie is different at every level.


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