Nuclear Terror Attack Drill in Indiana, August 1st-17th! Simulating Nuke Explosion in Columbus Ohio!

Published on Jul 31, 2013 by DAHBOO77

This drill/Exercise is pretty massive ! It will run from Now , Til August 17th 2013!…


Published on Aug 1, 2013 by MaKaElectric

VR To – U.S. To Shut Multiple Embassies On Sunday

More than 5,000 members of the military and civilians from across the country are taking part in the two-week, large-scale disaster response exercise. The scenario is a nuclear terrorist attack in Columbus, Ohio—and the backdrop is as close to the real thing as it gets.


Operation Blackjack Info –

The Story Of A Series Of Terrorist Nuclear Attacks…

Operation Blackjack (Full Slide Show)

Jericho Trailer

Also See –

Nuclear Terror Attack Drill By DAHBOO77

Video Backdrop Used
Stock Image

Video Editing By Adobe After Effects…

One thought on “Nuclear Terror Attack Drill in Indiana, August 1st-17th! Simulating Nuke Explosion in Columbus Ohio!

  1. Gee that’s fairly close to Chicago, which I’m betting is the target, after all look at who the current mayor is. Can you say Mossad? I thought you could. 🙂

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