NYC arrests in Italy-US drug crackdown

Reggio Calabria head of Police Guido Longo, left, gives the thumbs up next to FBI special agent Leo Taddeo following a joint Italian-U.S. authorities' press conference on an anti-Mafia blitz with numerous arrests reported on both sides of the Atlantic, at Rome's National Anti-Mafia headquarters, Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014. Italian anti-Mafia police said the 'New Bridge' operation targeted a new cocaine trafficking route from South America to the southern Italian port of Gioia Tauro that united the U.S. branch of the Sicilian Mafia with the Calabrian 'ndrangheta crime syndicate. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)Lohud

NEW YORK — An Italian-U.S. investigation into drug smuggling has resulted in two dozen arrests — including seven in the New York City area.

Anti-Mafia police in Italy say the operation targeted a cocaine trafficking route between South America and the Italian port of Gioia Tauro.

Officials say undercover agents in both countries prevented the delivery of cocaine hidden in shipments of coconuts and pineapples. They also confiscated heroin and marijuana.  

Investigators used wiretaps and an undercover agent called “Jimmy” who infiltrated the Brooklyn-based mob.

Authorities say the investigation stemmed from an April 2012 meeting in Brooklyn between New York and Italy crime-group affiliates.

Prosecutor Marshall Miller says one of the U.S.-based suspects is accused of laundering money through a Brooklyn-based bank. He says investigators have seized several hundred thousand dollars.

One thought on “NYC arrests in Italy-US drug crackdown

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