Obama Is Gutting Medicare

World Events and the Bible

Under the guise of “reform,” President Obama is dismantling Medicare — dooming seniors to needless pain and disability and shortening their lives.

The stakes are high, because Medicare and the access it gives patients to medical innovations have transformed aging. Before Medicare, older folks languished in nursing homes or wheelchairs with crippling illnesses. Now, seniors dodge that fate, thanks to hip and knee replacements, cataract operations and heart procedures — all paid for by Medicare.  

The American Journal of Public Health reports that a man turning 65 can expect to live almost five years longer than he would have in 1970 — and almost all of it in good health. What a priceless gift.

A gift Obama is snatching away.

Source: Obama is gutting Medicare | New York Post

World Events and the Bible

2 thoughts on “Obama Is Gutting Medicare

  1. This is another reason to keep your fire arms.
    This is going to PISS a lot of people off, especially when the illegals and the New 300,000 ( plus) Muslim immigrants will all have access to health care and EBT and everything the government can give them.
    Mean while your Loving Parents or Grand Parents will be suffering at the curbs edge.This gives you a different look at DIVERSITY doesn’t it.

  2. As the economy crashes, the government is going to be stealing everything that’s not nailed down.

    “Sorry about your medicare, social security checks, your retirement plan, and your bank account, but we need that money for the dreamers who are here for a better life of raping your children.” — The homo from Kenya

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