4 thoughts on “Obamacare’s “Forced Homes Inspections”, PolitiFact Got it Wrong

  1. This is important.

    When CPS came to my house 3 years ago, and I (not knowing any better then) let them in, it was a piece of friggin art I had up which made it into their damning report about me. A piece of art. In my home.

    I have to tell you how insanely ridiculous all this kind of stuff is. (of course I know now not to let them in — I was trusting then, and I also “had nothing to hide” being a very good and loving mother, as I am). This “art” I had up was something created by me, which had meaning to me, it was a heartfelt cry against violence in the world (I’m being vague) containing some words, it had been up for years and many of my friends had admired it and “got” my meaning, and they (CPS) interpreted it instead as a CALL for violence, and proof that I am somehow a violent mother who would harm her children…. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am the most nonviolent, nurturing person there is, when it comes to my family. I don’t hold myself above other loving mothers. But I can honestly say, there is no more loving and nurturing mother than I am (there are many of us).

    Again, so many lies and twisted stuff made it into their report about me (I “hate” my children. I want to “kill” and “hurt” my children. I want to “shoot” my children. I “berate” my children). It sounds insane to talk about it, I mean I think *I* sound insane, so … I just rarely talk about it (this experience) to anyone. it is so beyond the pale how they treated me, that I think most “good people” who have never encountered such stuff, just can’t believe it. I think some of you here will know what I mean. I was so in shock. That was the day, and the experience, which started my awakening. I still have “nothing to hide” and I am still as good and loving a mother as they come. But I will no longer voluntarily allow these snoops into my home. No one should. They are evil.

    1. A truly despicable event, to be sure, EE, but if that was what it took to awaken you to the truth, then that was definitely the best piece of artwork you ever created.

      Sorry for the unfortunate encounter, nonetheless.

      1. You know #1 NWO Hatr, I totally agree with you and see it that way, now. It certainly was an eye-opening opportunity for me, and one which I apparently needed, am grateful for, enough time has passed I have decided to just learn from the experience. Though I don’t exactly wish it on anyone.

        And although these interfering people paid by our tax dollars actually advised me to take my offensive artwork down off the wall of my own home (!!!) it is still up, and it will remain up.

        So yeah, I do believe “home visits” are real, and whether they are “in your face” or playing nice, there is nothing nice about them.

        1. another sadness for each of us…….that this so called Obamacare…..is what it is.
          And we have a US Supreme court, already ruled on this….to what full extent I am not sure….however…this court has ALLOWED THIS GARBAGE TO INFECT OUR UNITED STATES!
          No wonder few americans can name…members of the US Supreme Court…
          They are unworthy of mention…

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