Open Carry: Veteran Unlawfully Disarmed, Detained & Arrested

Published on Jul 4, 2014 by OnTheMoveShow

In this video Mack is unlawfully disarmed, detained and arrested by Police for Open Carry. Mack is fighting this in court. Donate here to help:

Mack was unlawfully arrested on 29 June 2013 in Vancouver, WA and has been battling ever since. Mack Worley is a veteran of the United States Air Force. He honorably served his country for almost 6 years before being medically retired. Mack is a Political Talk Show Host (, a You Tube Personality (, a Blogger (, a Citizen Journalist and an Activist.


Mack’s interview w/ Open Carry Vancouver on his unlawful arrest:

Part 1:…
Part 2:…

24 thoughts on “Open Carry: Veteran Unlawfully Disarmed, Detained & Arrested

  1. Didn’t watch the video because all I had to do was take a look at that “things” face! Whoa!

  2. POS communist pig bastards!
    When Americans cant move un-molested in OUR country things need to change. I actually think they enjoyed what they were doing. I think little shotgun girl actually wanted to shoot him.

  3. As NC would say, “Unfriggenbelievable” I would like to know what happened to him after he was arrested for trying to leave. This is a case for damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I can’t help wonder if “Shotgun Hernandez” had her green card or was she out gunning for Americans.

  4. After giving some thought to this, I know he has a constitutional right to carry a firearm in public. But to carry a AR at a mall is not very prudent. It’s like waving a red cape in front of a bull. He had to have known some gun grabbing commie liberal would call the already paranoid oath breakers. Then to stop him from leaving that is just harassment. Now his life will be made miserable with further harassment. IF I was going to carry a AR I would carry under my trench coat.. concealed. 😉

    1. I think more should open carry all types of weapons. the sheeple need to get used to seeing it. They need to understand that we will not compromise just because they are uncomfortable with it. If the cops can walk around with their “scary” weapons, we should as well. They don’t have more rights than we do.

      1. exactly..if i want to velcro a 45 to my forehead i should be able to do so

        if I want to stick guns all over my body , I should be able to do so.

        if the sick in the head hoplophobes cant get passed their sickness , that’s not my problem , and im not going to let them make it my problem

        their fear is irrational, and usually causes some kind of functional impairment, that is how its written in the definition of their sickness..again..not my problem..they need to seek treatment

    2. I have friends who are rabid NRA supporters. They think this type of behavior hurts the cause of gun ownership.
      I can see their point but I’m conflicted because I think we need to keep flexing our rights and I don’t understand how exercising an unalienable right can hurt anyone.

      1. The NRA hurts our cause for gun ownership all on its own, they are ..sell outs, negotiating a right, oh and that little “registration” dance they did oh back in 1968..oh yeah I still remember who had my back than and now and it sure as hell wasnt the NRA!

  5. Part of the problem that many people don’t acknowledge enough is the fact that the petty bullcrap “laws” passed in this country are ridiculous, unconstitutional, and designed to strip away God give rights. Another part of the problem is that society is conditioned to rely on law enforcement to keep them safe. If the cops did not ask this person who he was or why he was carrying a rifle and he went into the mall and opened fire, there would be a huge public outcry that the cops did nothing to prevent the tragedy. Thing is, most, if not all of the shootings that happen in this country are false flag black ops designed to create the illusion that this country is filled with armed lunatics. Funny thing is the armed lunatics are the cops, not the people.

  6. I would tend to disagree with this person’s open-carry as provocative of an incident, but I also would be criticizing myself for walking down the street, as I’ve had that happen to me (being surrounded, weapons drawn, firearms, batons, etc., and without committing a crime been subjected to force) more times than I can count, and I was never carrying a firearm.

    It’s unfortunate, police departments protect their own, even when its in their best interest to remove those who should be. Officer Hernandez in this video had fear in her eyes, and everything about her stated she was ready to shoot him, in a situation, that could’ve been easily diffused (had the officer questioning him been intelligent enough to do so), instead of this show of force.

    Lot’s of stupid all around.

  7. Providing one survives these types of encounters and acquires good legal team, a decent payday should be waiting at the end of the circus show.

    1. I listened to the interview he did with Vancouver Open Carry. The guy lost his case because the cops withheld his cell phone footage until after the trial, but he is appealing. I imagine that he will end up with a nice civil suit after the verdict is overturned. They railroaded him and hid evidence.

  8. remember that beener in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest…not nurse Ratchet, her assistant. “It’s just conductant Mr. Mc’Murphy”. Most say Nurse Cratchet is the epitome of evil. I always said that beener assistant was even more evil.
    This one has the same fearful mousey little look. The look that does what she’s told by her evil superior without questioning. This is in Vancouver WA? Would have thought it was Arizona with all the token beener doughnut eaters on the scene.

  9. Just take a look at that woman or monster with the shotgun. It’s got eyes like a rabid animal ready to attack. It’s hilarious. I just wanted to beat the shit out of it. Then you had officer Young and then that asshole near the end who was telling him what he should do but refuses to let him speak, as always. I hope they all get one in the head.

  10. Officer Alba needs to take his speech to Hollywood. You’d think he was saving and rehearsing that monologue for this exact moment. Hang his ass!

  11. Causing alarm and disorder for openly carrying a weapon. I don’t get it. And the cops don’t see themselves as being a cause for alarm and disorder for openly carrying a weapon? BAHAHAHAAHA!!! Unfrigginbelievable!

    The bastards really think highly of themselves. Wait until they have a gang of We the People pointing back at them and then watch them run to their mommies after stuttering through one of their bullshit penal code speeches.

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